Can you clarify some of the slang terms used for drugs?
Q: |
Hi, I am new to psychoactives and have so far only tried ecstacy. SO you see, I might not even know if whatever I take IS MDMA. I appreciate having erowid vaults for me to read more on this topic and other people's experiences.
However, i would like to know more. I read a lot and I often get confused on the terms people use. ie. what do people mean when they say "dope", "junk"? and is "speed" a form of coccaine? can you let me know what substances are actually "crystal", "acid" .... you know, the like... thanks much! suede |
A: |
Here's a brief rundown on the slang terms you mention.
"dope" - used most commonly for both cannabis and heroin
"junk" - heroin
"speed" - amphetamines
"crystal" - methamphetamine
"acid" - LSD
"crack" - freebase (smokeable) cocaine
"K" - Ketamine
For a good reference, see the Street Drug Slang page. It tends to return multiple answers for each slang term, but it is the nature of slang terms to be fluid and constantly changing.
Hope this helps,
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