What is "2,5-Dimthoxy-4-ethlthio-pea HCL"?
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I have recently purchased a chemical which I cannot find specifically cited in PIHKAL or on your web site, here is how it is labeled:
2,5-Dimthoxy-4-ethlthio-pea HCL.
It seems fairly close to either HOT-2 or 2C-T2, but it is not "exactly" the same in his book. Can you tell me exactly what this is? I thought I was obtaining 2C-T2 but maybe it is not. Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks!
A: |
That looks like a standard variation in the chemical name of 2C-T-2 (with a couple of typos).
PiHKAL uses the notation:
a standard variation of this name would be:
The name you give:
is very close to matching this, with the absence of an "e" and a "y". As you give it, the chemical name makes no sense...there is no such thing as a "dimthoxy". The only use we can find of the term "ethlthio" is a single google result where it is used as a shortened form of "ETHYLENE THIOUREA", an air pollutant. :)
Combined with the fact that you thought you were obtaining 2C-T-2...it seems reasonably likely that these are both simply typos in the correct chemical name for 2C-T-2. To be sure, you could contact the individual or vendor you ordered from and ask for verification.
[ Chemical ID ]
[ 2C-T-2 ]