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by Erowid
Caution :   Reactions and experiences may vary dramatically from person to person. [see below]
2C-B-Fly Duration
Total Duration
6 - 10 hrs
30 - 60 mins
Coming Up
90 - 120 mins
2 - 4 hrs
Coming Down
2 - 3 hrs
After Effects
2 - 12 hrs
Hangover / Day After
- - -
  • euphoria, mood lift
  • enhanced empathy/increased sociability
  • feelings of insight
  • brightening of colors
  • closed- and open-eye visuals
  • mental and physical stimulation
  • increased tactile sensation
  • general change in consciousness (as with most psychoactives)
  • restlessness/stimulation
  • change in perception of time
  • pupil dilation
  • unusual thoughts and speech
  • reduced physical coordination
  • unusual body sensations (facial flushing, chills, goosebumps, body energy)
  • change in body temperature regulation
  • synesthesia
  • ego softening (but less than LSD, mescaline, or psilocybin mushrooms)
    (likelihood of negative side effects increases with higher doses)
  • uncomfortable changes in body temperature (sweating/chills)
  • dry mouth
  • nausea and/or vomiting
  • tension, muscle twitching
  • headache
  • confusion, difficulty concentrating, problems with activities requiring linear focus
  • insomnia
  • unwanted and overwhelming feelings
  • unpleasant visions
  • very elevated heart rate
  • paranoia, fear, and panic
The effects of 2C-B-fly have been described as somewhat similar to those of 2C-B. It is mildly psychedelic, much less mind-expanding or dissociative than mushrooms or LSD, but much less directed than MDMA.

2C-B-fly includes Open Eye Visual (OEV) effects which are usually described as morphing, rippling, shifting, or undulating. Closed Eye Visuals (CEVs) are present and increase with dosage. Some reports have described vivid mental images or visions (as opposed to visuals) with eyes closed.

2C-B-fly has a large "body" component which some describe as a body-buzz. In general, 2C-B-fly has a somewhat "positive" mood push as well as a mild stimulant effect, however, lethargy, or feeling "stoned" has also been reported.

Some people experience stomach discomfort including mild diarrhea, gas and nausea.

Some people find 2C-B-fly increases their ability to communicate verbally, while others find themselves unable to elucidate their ideas clearly. Some people describe confusion, and/or intense rushing feelings.

Many people report that 2C-B-fly effects come in waves, cycling between feeling very involved in the experience to feeling quite 'sober' at times. These changes can occur quite quickly and can be unexpected.

Some people complain of a lack of mind-manifesting qualities and suggest 2C-B-fly lacks the depth of other psychedelics. However, other users report good therapeutic potential.

As with all psychedelics, many people experience the coming up period as being somewhat uncomfortable. Effects may include shivering, temperature fluctuation, muscle tension, and excess energy.

As with other entheogens, it is unsafe to drive or use dangerous equipment with 2C-B-fly because it affects attention span, visual acuity, concentration, and coordination. If you use 2C-B-fly, plan your entheogen experiences carefully and think ahead so you don't ever find yourself needing to drive during the experience.

[8 mg oral] "T+1:15: There are occasional chills and stomach tightness, but no nausea. Fuzzy, colorful, simple, subtle visuals flirtatiously come and go. I'm considering a mild redose at the 2 hour point. Still listening to music. The substance seems good for musical appreciation... no auditory hallucinations or direct auditory enhancement, just a good appreciation of musical structure. Many different songs sound pleasing and I'm not very picky." -- Exp 69997
[12 mg oral] "This material continues to be a great ally for us. It is smooth and allows for interpersonal connections that we haven't found possible with other psychedelics. It feels familiar and relaxed." -- Exp 72474
[14.4 mg oral] "T+2:43 - It feels like it's really slowly getting more intense. I'm sweating considerably, but I also have been all day because it's hot. I also feel very communicative. This is rare for me on psychedelics. But I still feel unaltered mentally except for a very slight euphoria." -- Exp 53472
[15 mg oral] "...couldn't go out anywhere like this. Walking is hard, but possible [Venturing downstairs to get a drink was harder than I thought it would be - I staggered there with a sort of drunken lethargy, almost fell against the wall a couple times]. ... Really amazing visuals still. Seems to come in very quick waves of effects - really intense to quite manageable."-- Exp 50291
[16 mg oral] "T+3:47 Trip is still very fast and slow at the same time. I still canīt describe this state. My thoughts are running at high speed but most of it doesnīt make any sense. I feel that I have lots of ideas, but I fail to put them down." -- Exp 47732
Erowid's effects information is a summary of data gathered from users, research, and other resources. This information is intended to describe the range of effects people report experiencing. Effects may vary dramatically from one person to another or one experience to another based on a variety of factors such as body chemistry, age, gender, physical health, dose, form of material, etc.