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Amphetamines include both the specific chemical 'amphetamine' and the general class of chemicals which share structural similaries. Amphetamines generally cause strong physical and mental stimulation, keeping users awake and alert for many hours, and some amphetamines cause mood lift / euphoria. Because they increase wakefulness, various amphetamines have been used by the military, by pilots, truck drivers, and other workers to keep functioning past their normal limits.

Amphetamines are also used to treat Attention Deficit Disorder and can have the seemingly paradoxical effect of quieting and calming users. Common amphetamines include Dexedrine (d-amphetamine), methamphetamine, and adderall (dl-amphetamine). Substantial amounts of pharmaceutical amphetamines are diverted from medical use to recreational and work-related uses and methamphetamine is produced in huge quantities in underground labs around the world.
Dose #
Dose Summary Needed.
Price #
2023: Methamphetamine is sold for $20-200 USD retail per gram for good quality crystals and $10-100 USD for wholesale or 'family' prices. Lower quality meth is sold for $10-50 per gram. Dexedrine is sold for .75 - 2$ per 10 mg dose by prescription and $2-15 per pill on the underground market.
Amphetamines and methamphetamine are Schedule 2 in the United States and their possession requires a valid prescription. Most countries control amphetamines tightly as medicines.
Chemistry Summary Needed.
Pharmacology #
Pharmacology Summary Needed.
Production #
Production Summary Needed.
Amphetamine was first synthesized by German chemist L. Edeleano in 1887 (originally named phenylisopropylamine). In the 1930's amphetamines were first marketed as 'benzedrine' in an over-the-counter inhaler to treat congestion and in the late 30's, amphetamine was prescribed for the treatment of narcolepsy and ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder). Amphetamine use grew rapidly when amphetamines were distributed to soldiers during World War II. In 1971, amphetamines were scheduled in the United States and prescriptions became required for possession.
Terminology / Slang #
The Substance:
Amphetamine; Speed; Dex; Adderall; Dexamphetamine; Bennies; Dexies; Black Beauty; Jollies.
The Experience:
Speeding; Tweaking; Spinning; Up.
Effects Summary Needed.
Onset #
Onset Summary Needed.
Duration #
Oral amphetamine tablets take 30 - 60 minutes to take effect on an empty stomach. Effects last around 4 to 6 hours for rapid release and 8 to 12 hours for extended release formulations.
Visual Effects #
Visuals Summary Needed.
Problems Summary Needed.
Contraindications #
Addiction Potential Summary Needed.
Addiction Potential #
Addiction Potential Summary Needed.
Long Term Health Problems #
Long Term Health Problems Summary Needed.
Risk of Death #
Risk of Death Summary Needed.
Erowid Basics pages are summaries of data gathered from site visitors, government documents, books, websites, and other resources. We do our best to keep this information correct and up-to-date, but the field is complex and constantly changing. Information should always be verified through multiple sources.