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Cocaine Journal Articles & Abstracts




Cocaine Pharmacokinetics in Humans, by A. Barnett; R. Hawks; R. Resnick
The Journal of Ethnopharmacology, Vol 3, 1981, 353-366



Cocaine on cash not proof of drug dealing, courts rule, by G. Sargeant
Trial, Vol 29 (No. 11) Nov 1993, 91

Courts reject drug-tainted evidence; studies find cocaine-soiled cash so prevalent that even Janet Reno had some, by M. Curriden
American Bar Association Journal, Vol 79 (No. 1) Aug 1993, 22



Cocaine's role in drug-exposed babies' problems questioned, by E. Susman
Brown Univesity Child and Adolescent Behavior Letter, Vol 12 (No. 9) 1996, 5-6

Effects of prenatal exposure to cocaine on newborn behavior and development (A Critical Review), by E.Z. Tronick; M. Beeghly
Office for Substance Abuse Prevention: Monograph 11: Identifying the Needs of Drug-Affected Children, Oct 16, 1992; 25-48

Prenatal Cocaine Exposure and Public Policy: Not Enough Data
Brown University Digest of Addiction Theory and Application, June 31, 1992; 1-3

Prenatal Cocaine Exposure Adversely Affects Development of the Primate Cerebral Cortex, by M.S. Lidow
Synapse, Vol 21, 1995; 332-341