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Late 8th Century Burial site in N. Chile includes bag with snuffing paraphernalia and snuff remnants containing DMT, 5-MeO-DMT, and bufotenin. Other sites include seeds of Anadenanthera spp.   
905–1170 Ritual bundle found in a funerary site in SW Bolivia contains remnants of DMT, Harmine, Bufotenine, Cocaine, and possibly Psilocin, along with snuff tablets, a snuff tube, llama bone scrapers, and a head band. The find is notable because of the presence of a number of psychoactive chemicals, as well as the combined presence of DMT and Harmine. 1   [More Info]
1496 Friar Ramon Pane documented the use of a psychoactive snuff called cohoba/yopo among the Taino who inhabited the island of Hispaniola Haiti/Dominican Republic. It is now agreed that cohoba/yopo was almost certainly made from Anadenanthera peregrina, which has been reported to contain N,N-DMT, 5-MeO-DMT, and bufotenin. 2   [Details]
1560 Indians along the Rio Guaviare in Colombia take yopo along with tobacco.   
16th - 19th Century Cohoba snuff from the yopo tree used by natives of Columbia and surrounding areas.   
1571 Incan medicine men make prophecies through inebriation brought about by drinking vilca, a DMT containing preparation of A. colubrina.   
1741 A Jesuit writes about cohoba use by the native people between Colombia and Venezuela.   
1801 Baron Alexander Humboldt identified the yopo tree as Anadenanthera peregrina   
1931 DMT first synthesized by British chemist Richard Manske and named "nigerine".   
1939 Virola genus identified as the source of a psychoactive snuff called epena used in Amazoniana Columbia, Venezuela and Western Brazil.   
1955 n,n-DMT is identified as one of the ingredients of the A. peregrina seeds used to make cohoba snuff. This marked the first time that n,n-DMT was discovered naturally occuring in a plant or animal. Authors speculate that it is psychoactive. 3  
1956 First scientific publication verifying the psychoactive properties of DMT by Stephen Szara. 4   [Details] [More Info]
Mar 1968 U.S.: The Bureau of Drug Abuse Control notes in Microgram that DMT is available on the street, both as a powder, and "impregnated on marihuana and tea". 5  
1971 N,N-DMT becomes illegal in the U.S. with the passage of the 1971 Convention on Psychotropic Substances.   

  1.   Miller M, Albarracin-Jordan J, et al. "Chemical evidence for the use of multiple psychotropic plants in a 1,000-year-old ritual bundle from South America". PNAS. May 6, 2019. [ Erowid Reference ]
  2.   Ott J. Shamanic Snuffs or Entheogenic Errhines. Entheobotanica, 2001.
  3.   Fish, et al. "Piptedenia alkaloids. Indole bases of P. peregrina". J American Chemical Society. 77:5892-5895. [Ott 2001].
  4.   Szára, S. “Dimethyltryptamin: Its Metabolism in Man the Relation of its Psychotic Effect to the Serotonin Metabolism”. Experientia. 1956 November;12(11):441-2.
  5.   Bureau of Drug Abuse Control. Micro-Gram. Mar 1968;1(6):2.