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by Erowid
Caution :   Reactions and experiences may vary dramatically from person to person. [see below]
LSA Duration
Total Duration
5 - 10 hrs
20 - 40 mins
Coming Up
20 mins - 3 hrs
2 - 7 hrs
Coming Down
1 - 2 hrs
After Effects
0 - 3 hrs
Hangover / Day After
0 - 72 hrs
Note: The large range in the duration chart times is due to the high variance in source quality, personal reactions, dose levels, and other factors. Those employing sublingual administration have generally reported a similar range of duration times.

  • mood lift
  • feelings of insight
  • therapeutic psychological reflection (introspective thoughts and discussions)
  • increased interest in areas of thought that are normally ignored
  • increase in giggling and laughing
  • sensory enhancement (taste, smell, etc.)
  • closed- and open-eyed visuals including trails, color shifts, brightening, etc.
  • general change in consciousness
  • pupil dilation
  • sedation of the body and mind
  • change in perception of time
  • looping, patterned, out-of-control thinking
  • slight increase in heart rate
  • long lasting "afterglow" of effects
  • increased anxiety/paranoia
  • nausea/vomiting
  • muscular tightness, particularly in the legs, back, and jaw
  • abdominal cramping
  • confusion
  • Hallucinogen Persisting Perception Disorder (HPPD)
  • insomnia
LSA is a psychedelic that produces many of the typical or "classic" effects of other drugs in this category. This includes visual changes such as an enhancement of the perception of color, tracers, and after-images. Emotion and mentation are also strongly affected. Some LSA users experience unusual thought patterns, such as a "looping" of the same thought or perceived experience over a period of time. Often during an LSA experience, users become intrigued by topics and ideas that they normally are not very interested in.

For up to 3 hours after the effects have primarily ended, users may still notice minor visual alterations in colors and brightness. Some people feel "spacey" or empty headed during this period as well. Even the next day, some people experience a + or 1+ on the "Shulgin Rating Scale". This "afterglow" is usually apparent from changes in normal thought patterns and a slight enhancement of colors and brightness in one's vision. The specific effects that are experienced vary, and are largely dependent on the individual and their recent experiences in life. Some users have expressed that this variability of effect (from mild to extreme, sometimes at similar dose levels) is more pronounced than with other psychedelics from a wide variety of categories (dissociatives, tryptamines, phenethylamines, etc.); however, some of this variability may be due to the relative potency and chemical profile of different plant sources of LSA, and the crude (fairly non-selective) water-based extraction approach that many users employ when preparing their material for consumption. One researcher found an over ten-fold variation in the alkaloid content of the seeds that he tested, with some seeds containing no LSA at all;1 and LSA source plants may also contain additional ergoline alkaloids, such as ergonovine (found to be psychoactive at doses from 2 to 10 mg), elymoclavine and lysergol (found to produce "an excitation syndrome" in animal tests), as well as other chemicals.2

Erowid's effects information is a summary of data gathered from users, research, and other resources. This information is intended to describe the range of effects people report experiencing. Effects may vary dramatically from one person to another or one experience to another based on a variety of factors such as body chemistry, age, gender, physical health, dose, form of material, etc.

References #
  1. Sewell RA. "Unauthorized Research on Cluster Headache". The Entheogen Review 2008;16(4):117-125.
  2. Ott J. Pharmacotheon: Entheogenic Drugs, their Plant Sources and History, Second Edition Densified 1996.