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LSD Blue Star Tattoo Myth
by Erowid

Law enforcement may be one of the most credible sources of information to refute this myth. In The Narc Officer Magazine, July/August 1994, there is an "Intelligence Bulletin" dated May 1994 and titled "Hallucinogens: A New York Perspective," published by the Unified Intelligence Division, "a joint cooperative intelligence venture comprised of personnel from the Drug Enforcement Administration, New York State Police, and the New York City Police Department." in a section on LSD, this appears on page 58:

"The blotter paper is commonly imprinted with popular cartoon characters (such as Mickey Mouse or Bart Simpson), zodiac signs, psychedelic prints or other patterns, and are usually perforated into one quarter stamp size individual dosage units or 'hits.' It is often feared that the cartoon character motif will entice young children to try the drug. In one extreme example that started in the early 1980s drug alert fliers, allegedly distributed by police agencies, parents' associations, and other groups, warned of a LSD tattoo called 'BLUE STAR.'

One flier stated the tattoo appeared as a small sheet of white paper containing blue start the size of a pencil eraser. The flier further advised that the star is impregnated with LSD and can be removed from the paper and placed in the mouth. Parents were also caustioned that LSD laced stickers, featuring cartoon characters, were also available. The sticker could be placed on the child's skin or in the mouth. Although there have been numerous 'BLUE STAR' incidents documented across the country, they appear to have been a hoax. There is no evidence showing any such tattoos/stickers or records of any child being injured by touching a LSD-laden tattoo."