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by Erowid
1910 MDA first synthesized by G. Mannish and W. Jacobson 1  
1939 Animal tests are first performed with MDA. 1  
1941 First human trials with MDA as part of an exploration of possible therapies for Parkinsonism. 2  
1949-1957 MDA studied as a potential antidepressant and/or anorexic agent by Smith, Klein & French. More than 500 people were given MDA during the course of this investigation.    [More Info]
Jan 8, 1953 Harold Blauer dies of an overdose of MDA (code name EA-1298) during an army-sponsored drug experiment. The army was working to develop new "truth serums" or incapacitating agents and injected Blauer with 500 mg MDA IV. 3   [Details] [More Info]
1957 Gordon Alles describes the MDA experience at a conference in Princeton New Jersey, sponsored by the Josiah Macy, Jr., Foundation. The proceedings of the conference were published two years later (1959) in Neuropharmacology: Transactions of the 4th Conference. 1  
1958-1961 MDA is patented by several different a cough suppressant by H.D. Brown (1958), as an ataractic by Smith, Kline, and French, Co. (1960), and as an appetite suppressant under the trade name "Amphedoxamine" (1961). 2  
May 17, 1961 Dr. Alexander Shulgin first tries MDA at a dose of 4.8 mg. After this single dose Dr. Shulgin would not try MDA again until four years later in 1965. 4   [Details] [More Info]
1963-1964 MDA begins showing up in the counterculture. 1  
Oct 1967 The U.S. Bureau of Drug Abuse Control reports in its publication Micro-gram their "first encounter with the compound [MDA]". 5   [Details] [More Info]
Oct 27, 1970 The Comprehensive Drug Abuse Prevention and Control Act is passed. Part II of this is the Controlled Substance Act (CSA) which defines a scheduling system for drugs. It places most of the known hallucinogens (LSD, psilocybin, psilocin, mescaline, peyote, cannabis, & MDA) in Schedule I. It places coca, cocaine and injectable methamphetamine in Schedule II. Other amphetamines and stimulants, including non-injectable methamphetamine are placed in Schedule III.   
1980-2000 MDA continues to be used recreational, often sold in tablet form as 'ecstasy'.   

  1.   Stafford P. Psychedelics Encyclopedia. Ronin. 1992.
  2.   Pentney AR. "An Exploration of the History and Controversies Surrounding MDMA and MDA". J Psychoactive Drugs. Jul-Sep 2001;Vol 33(3).
  3.   Lee MA, Shlain B. Acid Dreams: The CIA, LSD and the Sixties Rebellion. Grove, 1985.
  4.   Shulgin AT. Pharmacology Notes I. Page 37.
  5.   Microgram Editors. "Methylenedioxy Amphetamine". Microgram. Bureau of Drug Abuse Control. Feb 1968. 1(5):4-5.