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New, Vintage, and Signed Blotter Art
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blotter art. These look great framed on the wall !
by Erowid
Nov 23, 1897 Mescaline is first isolated and identified by German pharmacologist and chemist Arthur Heffter. 1   [Details] [More Info]
1918 Mescaline is first synthesized by Austrian chemist Ernst Späth. 2   [More Info]
1927 An extensive study of mescaline's effects in 32 human subjects is published, Kurt Beringer's Der Meskalinrausch: Seine Geschichte und Erscheinungsweise [The Mescaline High: Its History and Expression]. 3   [More Info]
Oct 1945 US Navy Technical Mission reports on mescaline experiments at the Nazi Dachau concentration camp.   
1947 U.S. Navy initiates mescaline studies under the auspices of 'Project Chatter'. 4  
1952 Dr. Humphry Osmond begins working with hallucinogens at a hospital in Saskatchewan, looking at the similarity between mescaline and the adrenaline molecule. 4  
May 6, 1953 At 11:00 am on May 6, 1953, Aldous Huxley tries mescaline 400 mg for the first time under the supervision of Dr. Humphry Osmond. During the experience, he commented, This is how one ought to see, how things really are. 5, 6   [More Info]
1954 The Doors of Perception by Aldous Huxley is published describing his 1953 experience with mescaline.   
Apr 2, 1960 Dr. Alexander Shulgin first tries mescaline at 350 mg. 7, 8   [Details]
Oct 27, 1970 The Comprehensive Drug Abuse Prevention and Control Act is passed. Part II of this is the Controlled Substance Act (CSA) which defines a scheduling system for drugs. It places most of the known hallucinogens (LSD, psilocybin, psilocin, mescaline, peyote, cannabis, & MDA) in Schedule I. It places coca, cocaine and injectable methamphetamine in Schedule II. Other amphetamines and stimulants, including non-injectable methamphetamine are placed in Schedule III.   
1991 Alexander and Ann Shulgin publish PiHKAL, documenting over 250 phenethylamines, including MDMA, mescaline, 2C-B, 2C-T-7, 2C-T-2, and many others. 8  

  1.   Heffter A. “Ueber Pellote. Beitrag zur chemischen und pharmakologischen Kenntnis der Cacteen (Zweite Mittheilung)”. Arch Exp Path Pharm. 1898;40:423.
  2.   Späth E. “Über die Anhalonium-Alkaloide. I. Anhalin und Mezcalin”. Monatshefte für Chemie und verwandte Teile anderer Wissenschaften. 1919;40(2):129-154.
  3.   Stuart, R. "Modern Psychedelic Art's Origins as a Product of Clinical Experimentation". The Entheogen Review. 2004;13(1):12-22.
  4.   Lee MA, Shlain B. Acid Dreams: The CIA, LSD and the Sixties Rebellion. Grove, 1985.
  5.   Huxley A. The Doors of Perception. Harper Collins, 1956
  6.   Horowitz M, Palmer C. Moksha. Stonehill Publishing Company, 1977.
  7.   Shulgin AT. Pharmacology Notes IV. Page 471.
  8.   Shulgin AT, Shulgin A. PiHKAL: A Chemical Love Story. Transform Press. 1991.