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Modern humans must learn how to relate to psychoactives
responsibly, treating them with respect and awareness,
working to minimize harms and maximize benefits, and
integrating use into a healthy, enjoyable, and productive life.
by Erowid
1926 Phencyclidine (PCP) is first synthesized. 1  
mid 1950s Parke Davis begins investigating PCP as a human anesthetic. 2  
1957 PCP tested for the first time on 64 human subjects. Worrying side effects such as hallucinations, mania, delirium and disorientation manifested. 2   [Details]
1963 PCP is patented as a surgical analgesic and anesthetic under the name 'Sernyl'. 3  
1965 PCP is withdrawn for use on humans because of reports of the negatives effects caused by its use. 3  
1967 PCP is marketed under the name Sernylan as a tranquilizer and anesthetic for animals. 3  
1967 PCP shows up on the street as a recreational drug under a variety of names including 'angel dust', 'hog', 'super-weed', and 'THC'. Because it is inexpensive and relatively easy to make it is frequently marketed and sold as other substances including Cocaine, LSD, and THC. 2  
Apr 6, 1969 PCP was placed under DACA control in the United States, making it illegal to possess, sell, or manufacture except for personal use. 4  
Nov 1969 DEA's forerunner, the Bureau of Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs, reports in their Microgram newsletter: "Phencyclidine HCI impregnated on plant material and promoted as 'Hog' was recently analyzed by our Washington Regional laboratory. The evidence was seized in Virginia, and a localpolice department states that the term 'Hog' has been used in the area for alleged 'THC', reportedly mixed with strychnine."   
Early 1970s PCP is placed in schedule III of the Controlled Substance Act.   
1973 - 1975 Use of PCP spreads quickly in the U.S. 2  
1978 PCP is moved from schedule III to schedule II of the Controlled Substance Act. 5  
1979 7 percent of high school seniors report having used PCP in the last year. 6   [More Info]
1980 - 1995 The use of PCP among high school students steadily declines between 1979 and and the mid 1990s. 6   [More Info]
2010 Five percent of men arrested in the District of Columbia test positive for PCP. 7   [Details]

  1.   Rudgley R. The Encyclopaedia of Psychoactive Substances. Thomas Dunne Books, 1998.
  2.   Carroll M. The Encyclopedia of Psychoactive Drugs: PCP. Chelsea House, 1985.
  3.   Grinspoon L, Bakalar JB. Psychedelic Drugs Reconsidered. Lindesmith, 1997.
  4.   Bureau of Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs. Microgram Jan 1969;2(1):2.
  5.   DEA. DEA Web Site.
  6.   Monitoring the Future Study.
  7.   Arrestee Drug Abuse Monitoring Program II Annual Report 2010. p. xvi.