Once again, the subconscious comes through in this stylised representation of Psylocibe Cubensis mushrooms. As well as the 'Dragon Faces' visible in the main visual effect around the 'shrooms, a more 'Tarantulaic' spirit can be seen as a hidden image (subconsciously provided). The mandibles of the spiders are to be seen in the mushroom caps, their eyes (bizarrely) are below the mandibles and the white lines surrounding the whole are web-like in appearance. I only noticed this image after having finished the painting and was quite worried by it's seeming agressiveness until having put it into context (having recognised the tarantulas).
Once again, the subconscious comes through in this stylised representation of Psylocibe Cubensis mushrooms. As well as the 'Dragon Faces' visible in the main visual effect around the 'shrooms, a more 'Tarantulaic' spirit can be seen as a hidden image (subconsciously provided). The mandibles of the spiders are to be seen in the mushroom caps, their eyes (bizarrely) are below the mandibles and the white lines surrounding the whole are web-like in appearance. I only noticed this image after having finished the painting and was quite worried by it's seeming agressiveness until having put it into context (having recognised the tarantulas).