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Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds rising, 10 billion reflective satellite cells firing, collective perspective hive breathing. The occulted fire distilled in the sea of body, tidal tug across the planes beneath solar wind induction. Sunspots cultivate the brain’s constellation cryptogram Mandelbrot map, betwixt molecular crystal lattice embryogenesis. Narcotic gemstones dance on the rotating celestial chalice rim of our-glass. Sands drip as gravity congeals the impedance that’s lead to understanding. Double-bubbles fuse at the junction for communication conduction, vibratory cerebro-chemical ejaculation. Ethereal sparks toward the pulsating galactic core of perfect-ion. The free and infinite ocean of bubbling fermented being coagulates, and stares back from star-gate in the dew of the deep. Alchemical harvest on zero-pointed waving backdrop of time-emittance. Thunder gives the warning for quickening coming cyclone of orange. It’s now mushrooming midnight and the clockwork’s trident is about to ring 13. Ensuing meltdown into the marbleized wax matrix interface. Quintessential alarm sounds from behind the sun dispelling the shadow-play. Non-linear bloodline awakens to the gateway, wherein the jewel within the lotus reveals who is Sirius, and the flickering fetus goes nova. Global vertebrae axis pole-shifts into ecliptic unity. Critical mass compassion transmutates in illumination amidst resurrection. Chronologic quantum joke to the cosmic yoke. It’s a matter of time De-eMpTied. POP! Creation ate itself.
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