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Famous People and Their Drug Use
by Erowid
v2.0 - Apr 4, 2012
Abrams, Isaac Psilocybin, Mescaline, Cannabis, LSD Artist Krippner S. "The Psychedelic State, The Hypnotic Trance, and the Creative Act," Altered States of Consciousness, ed Charles T. Tart. John Wiley & Sons, 1969,1972. LINK 1
Aitken, Jonathan LSD Conservative British member of parliament took LSD in 1966 in order to review it for the Evening Standard. Described "visions of hell. Continents dripping with blood. Black men fighting brown men, fighting yellow men."   LINK 1
Allen, Steve LSD ??   Oscar Janigar's Files   2
Allen, Tim Cocaine     LINK 0
Alpert, Richard LSD, Cannabis, Mescaline, DMT, Mushrooms       2
Amos, Tori Ayahuasca Musician     2
Angelou, Maya Cannabis   Angelou Biography   1
Armstrong, Lewis Cannabis Musician   LINK 0
Artaud, Antonin Peyote       0
Atwell, Allen LSD     LINK 0
Aurelius, Marcus Opium       2
Baker, Ginger Amphetamine Musician   LINK 0
Bankhead, Tallulah Cocaine Actor   LINK 0
Barry, Marion Cocaine       2
Bartholdi, Frederic Coca Wine   Musto, David. The American Experience with Stimulants and Opiates. 1998.   1
Bateson, Gregory LSD ??   Oscar Janigar's Files   2
Baudelaire, Charles Absinthe     LINK 0
The Beatles Cannabis, LSD     LINK 0
Belushi, John Cannabis, Heroin, Cocaine, LSD died under the influence of heroin & cocaine   LINK 3
Bernhart, Sarah Cocaine       0
Bloomberg, Michael Cannabis   New York Times   0
Branson, Richard Cannabis   CNN Op Ed.   0
Browning, Elizabeth Barrett Opium     LINK 0
Bruce, Lenny Heroin, Cannabis     LINK 0
  Amphetamine     LINK 1
Burroughs, William Cocaine, Heroin, Mescaline, Opium, Psilocybin, LSD, Cannabis, Ayahuasca   Kramer JC. "William Burroughs: A Sketch." Journal of Psychoactive Drugs. 1981 LINK 1
  Methamphetamine   Burroughs, William. Speed.   1
Campbell, Ali Cannabis UB40 singer. Used Cannabis to quit alcohol   LINK 3
Campbell, Naomi Cocaine   The Daily Mail   3
Cayne, Jimmy Cocaine   The Sellout   3
Carrol, Lewis ??     LINK 0
  Hashish     LINK 3
Charles, Ray Heroin Arrested on a drug charge in 1964 and has admitted to a two decade long addiction to heroin. CNN Headline News. June 10, 2004.   1
Churchill, Winston Nitrous   Wallechinsky et al. The Book of Lists.   2
Clapton, Eric Heroin Musician "The confessions of Eric Clapton". Oct 24, 2007. LINK 1
  Cocaine   "The confessions of Eric Clapton". Oct 24, 2007. LINK 1
Cleveland, Grover Cocaine US President   LINK 0
Clinton, William Cannabis   New York Times   0
Cocteau, Jean Opium     LINK 0
Cobain, Kurt Heroin       2
Coleridge, Samuel Taylor Laudanum (Opium)     LINK 0
  Nitrous   Wallechinsky et al. The Book of Lists.   2
Collins, Wilkie Opium     LINK 0
Colt, Samuel Nitrous   Wallechinsky et al. The Book of Lists.   2
Corso, Gregori Nitrous   Wallechinsky et al. The Book of Lists.   2
Cros, Charles Absinthe     LINK 2
Crosby, David Cannabis, Cocaine, LSD   Hagman L. "Hello Darlin': Tall (and Absolutely True) Tales About My Life" LINK 0
Crowley, Aleister Many, Heroin       0
  Hashish     LINK 2
Dali, Salvidor Hashish     LINK 3
Davy, Humphry Nitrous   Wallechinsky et al. The Book of Lists.   2
Delacroix, Eugene Hashish     LINK 3
Dawson, Ernest Hashish     LINK 3
DeQuincy, Thomas Opium       2
Dickens, Charles Opium     LINK 0
Dole, Bob Viagra       2
The Doors LSD, Mescaline, Cannabis       0
Downey Jr, Robert Cocaine, Amphetamine       2
Doyle, Arthur Conan Opium, Cocaine       3
Drake, Nick Amitriptyline Nick Drake died of an overdose of tryptizol     2
Dreiser, Theodore Nitrous   Wallechinsky et al. The Book of Lists.   2
Dumas, Alexander Hashish     LINK 3
Duncan, Isadora Cocaine     LINK 0
Eden, Anthony Amphetamine British Prime Minister used benzedrine to help get him through the Suez crisis in 1952.   LINK 2
Edison, Thomas Coca Wine   High Times Encyclopedia of Recreational Drugs. Stonehill, 1978.
Musto, David. The American Experience with Stimulants and Opiates. 1998.
Ellis, Havelock Peyote     LINK 0
Eminem Ecstasy, LSD     LINK 2
Erdos, Paul Amphetamine   Hofmann, P. The Man Who Loved Only Numbers. 1998 LINK 1
Farley, Chris Morphine died under the influence     2
Fat Boy Slim Ecstasy, Ketamine     LINK 2
Feynman, Richard LSD, Ketamine, Cannabis     2
Fisher, Carrie Prescription Drugs     LINK 0
Fonda, Peter LSD, Cannabis     LINK 0
Franklin, Ben Opium, Cannabis     LINK 0
Freud, Sigmund Cocaine   many. letter to fiancee.   1
Garcia, Jerry Heroin, LSD, Cannabis, Cocaine   Cocaine (arrest record)   2
Garfunkel, Art Cannabis   Cannabis (arrested & pled, 2004)   2
Garland, Judy Amphetamine, Barbiturates died under the influence   LINK (2) 2
Gates, Bill LSD, Cannabis   "The Bill Gates Interview." Playboy. Dec 8, 1994.   1
Ginsberg, Allen Nitrous   Wallechinsky et al. The Book of Lists.   2
  Ayahuasca   The Yage Letters.   2
Gladstone, William Opium     LINK 0
Goettell, Dwayne Heroin member of Skinny Puppy died under the influence of heroin   3
Gore, Al Cannabis   The Guardian   2
Gore, Tipper Cannabis     LINK 3
Gounod, Charles Coca Wine His image was used in advertising for Vin Mariani Musto, David. The American Experience with Stimulants and Opiates. 1998.   1
Grant, Cary LSD       2
Grant, Ulysses S. Cocaine   Courtwright, DT. Forces of Habit. Harvard U. Press, 2001. LINK 1
Grateful Dead Cannabis, LSD       0
Graves, Robert ??       0
Hagman, Larry LSD, Peyote, Cannabis   Hagman L. "Hello Darlin': Tall (and Absolutely True) Tales About My Life"   1
Harrison, George LSD, Mushrooms, Cannabis       0
Halstead, William Morphine used morphine daily     2
Hefner, Hugh Cannabis   High in America: The True Story Behind NORML   2
Hemingway, Ernest Absinthe     LINK 2
Hendrix, Jimi LSD, Heroin, Barbiturates Died under the influence of seconal and alcohol? Death certificate lists "barbituate overdose". Death Certificate   2
  Cannabis     LINK 2
Harrelson, Woody Cannabis outspoken marijuana legalization activist     2
Hilton, Paris Mushrooms   Home Video, LINK 1
  Cannabis, Hashish   Home Video, LINK 1
Hitler, Adolph Amphetamine       2
  Mescaline, Methamphetamine       3
Hoffman, Abbie Cannabis, Cocaine outspoken cannabis activist Old link   2
Hoffman, Albert LSD   LSD, My Problem Child   1
  Psilocybin       2
Holliday, Billie Heroin, Opium       2
Hopper, Dennis Cannabis     LINK 0
Hugo, Victor Hashish     LINK 3
Huxley, Aldous Mescaline   The Doors of Perception   1
  Psilocybin, LSD       2
Jackson, Andrew Cannabis (Hemp) Rumored to have smoked hemp, but we have seen little evidence. Conrad Chris. Hemp: Lifeline to the Future. 1994 LINK 4
Jagger, Jade Cannabis has called herself a pro-choice pot smoker   LINK 2
James, William Nitrous       2
  Ether, Peyote     LINK 2
Jarry, Alfred Absinthe     LINK 2
Jefferson Airplane Cannabis       3
Jefferson, Thomas Cannabis (Hemp) Is known to have grown hemp. We have seen little evidence that he smoked it. Conrad Chris. Hemp: Lifeline to the Future. 1994 LINK 4
Jobs, Steve LSD, Cannabis   FBI Background Check LINK 1
John, Elton Cocaine reported taking cocaine to boost his confidence   LINK 1
Jolie, Angelina LSD, Cocaine, Heroin, MDMA, Cannabis In 2007 Jolie described experimenting with many substances to media."   LINK 1
Joplin, Janis Heroin died under the influence of heroin & alcohol.   LINK 2
Keats, John Opium     LINK 3
Kesey, Ken LSD, Many others     LINK 2
  Mescaline Wronte "one flew over the cuckoo's nest" while on mescaline   LINK 2
  Nitrous   Wallechinsky et al. The Book of Lists.   2
  AMT, Psilocybin   Shulgin, TIHKAL AMT entry   1
King George V Cocaine, Opium     LINK 2
King, Stephen Cocaine     LINK 2
Kudlow, Larry Cannabis, Cocaine   New York Magazine   2
Leary, Timothy LSD, Cannabis       2
  Psilocybin/Mushrooms   Hollingshead, The Man Who Turned On the World   1
  Ketamine, Psilocybin/Mushrooms     LINK 2
Leich, Donovan LSD, Cannabis     LINK 0
Lennon, John LSD, Mushrooms, Cannabis       2
  Heroin     LINK 2
Lennon, Sean MDMA   Leon S. "Son of a Beatle." Magic Mushrooms and Other Highs. Ed, P. Krassner. Ten Speed Press, 2004. 67-68.   1
Lewis, Peter Cannabis   Boston Magazine   1
Lilly, John LSD, Ketamine       2
Limbaugh, Rush Opiates       2
Lincoln, Abraham Cannabis rumor is that a quote by Lincoln appeared on a Hohner harmonica box saying that he smoked "hemp cigarettes". There is no evidence to support this and we believe the rumor to be false.     5
Love, Courtney Heroin     LINK 2
Luce, Henry Mushrooms founder of Time magazine letters in the Wasson archive at Harvard show both Henry and Clare Booth Luce took mushrooms with Wasson.   2
Lugosi, Bela Opium, Morphine     LINK 3
  Heroin     LINK 2
Madoff, Bernie Cocaine   CNN   1
Madison, James Cannabis (Hemp) Rumored to have smoked hemp, but we have seen little evidence. Conrad Chris. Hemp: Lifeline to the Future. 1994 LINK 4
Malkovich, John Cannabis   Hill L. "John Malkovich Q and A". Aug 2013. LINK 1
Marley, Bob Cannabis       2
Marquat, Judge Cannabis     LINK 0
McCarthy, Joseph Opium     LINK 0
McCartney, Paul Heroin, Cocaine, Cannabis, LSD "McCartney tried heroin, preferred cocaine". Jun 2, 2004. LINK 1
  Mushrooms       3
McKenna, Terence Mushrooms, DMT, Cannabis       2
Mirren, Helen LSD reported taking acid in her 20s   LINK 1
Mitchell, Joni Cannabis     LINK 0
Mitchell, Wier Peyote     LINK 0
Mohammed Hashish     LINK 0
Monroe, James Cannabis (Hemp) Rumored to have smoked hemp, but we have seen little evidence. Conrad Chris. Hemp: Lifeline to the Future. 1994 LINK 4
Moore, Marcia LSD, Cannabis, Ketamine     LINK 2
Morrison, Jim LSD, Mescaline, Cannabis, Cocaine died under the influence of heroin and possibly cocaine.     2
Mothers of Invention Cannabis, LSD     LINK 0
Mullis, Kary LSD Nobel prize winner in chemistry Wired LINK 2
Nader, Ralph Cannabis       2
Nelson, Willie Cannabis       0
Nicholson, Jack Cannabis, LSD     LINK (2) 0
Nicks, Stevie Cocaine     LINK 0
Nightingale, Florence Opium       0
Nin, Anais LSD     LINK 2
Obama, Barack Cannabis, Cocaine   New York Times   1
Ouspenski, Peter Nitrous   Wallechinsky et al. The Book of Lists.   2
Palin, Sarah Cannabis   CBS News Report   1
Paracelsus, Philippus Aureolus Opium     LINK 0
Parker, Charlie Heroin, Amphetamine     LINK 2
Phoenix, River Cocaine, Heroin died under the influence of cocaine & heroin   LINK 2
Picasso, Pablo Opium     LINK 2
Pierce, Franklin Cannabis (Hemp) Rumored to have smoked hemp, but we have seen little evidence. Conrad Chris. Hemp: Lifeline to the Future. 1994 LINK 4
Pilatus, Rob ?? member of Milli Vanilli died under the influence   3
Plotinus Opium     LINK 0
Poe, Edgar Allen Opium     LINK 0
Pope Leo XIII Coca Wine   High Times Encyclopedia of Recreational Drugs. Stonehill, 1978.   1
Porter, Cole Cocaine     LINK 0
Presley, Elvis Cocaine, Prescription Drugs died under the influence.   LINK 0
Prince Harry Cannabis 2002     2
Pryor, Richard Cocaine     LINK 0
Queen Victoria Opium, Cannabis, Coca Wine, Chloroform   Chloroform reference in Sisters of the Extreme pg 36   3
Rather, Dan LSD, Heroin   Lady's Home Journal. July 1980.   0
Rehnquist, William Placidyl reports Rehnquist consumed "great quantities of the potent sedative-hypnotic Placidyl" from 1972 until 1981. Shafer J. "Rehnquist's Drug Habit". Jan 5 2007. Accessed: Jan 10, 2007 LINK 0
Richards, Keith Heroin     LINK 2
de Richelieu, Cardinal Duc Opium     LINK 0
Rimbaud, Arthur Absinthe     LINK 2
Roget, Peter Mark Nitrous   Wallechinsky et al. The Book of Lists.   2
The Rolling Stones LSD, Cannabis       2
Sagan, Carl Cannabis Daily cannabis smoker Andrews S. "Sagan Smoked Marijuana." Washington Post. Aug 21, 1999. LINK 2
Sartre, Jean-Paul amphetamines, mescaline De Beauvoir reports Sartre used amphetamines for over 20 years. He tried mescaline in Feb, 1935. de Beauvoir S. The prime of life. Harper & Row; 1976.   2
Schwarzenegger, Arnold Cannabis   CBS News Report   1
Scott, Sir Walter Opium     LINK 0
Shakespeare, William Cannabis Media reports in 2001 suggested that a pipe containing residue from cannabis was found near Shakespeare's home in Britain. There is no evidence to link this to Shakespeare himself.     5
Shelly, Percy Opium     LINK 2
Sklar-Weinstein, Arlene LSD     LINK 0
Smith, Huston Psilocybin       2
Soros, George Cannabis   Wall Street Journal Op Ed, 2010   2
Southey, Robert Nitrous   Wallechinsky et al. The Book of Lists.   2
Star, Ringo LSD, Mushrooms, Cannabis       0
Stevenson, Robert Louis Cocaine, Morphine Wrote Dr Jekyll & Mr Hyde during a six day cocaine binge.   LINK 0
Sting Ayahuasca, Mushrooms       2
  Ecstasy     LINK 2
Stravinsky LSD ??   Oscar Janigar's Files   2
Taylor, Desmond Cocaine     LINK 0
Taylor, Zachary Cannabis (Hemp) Rumored to have smoked hemp, but we have seen little evidence. Conrad Chris. Hemp: Lifeline to the Future. 1994 LINK 4
Thompson, Clarence Cannabis Supreme Court Justice White House spokesman Judy Smith, 1991. LINK 2
Thompson, Hunter S. Cannabis. Claimed in fictionalized autobiography to have used LSD, mescaline, cocaine, ether, numerous others. Thompson, HS. Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas. 1971 LINK 4
Turner, Ted Cannabis   COED Magazine, Memo from CNN   1
Van Gogh, Vincent Absinthe     LINK 1
  Camphor     LINK 3
Ventura, Jesse Cannabis       2
Verlaine, Paul Marie Absinthe     LINK 1
Verne, Jules Coca Wine His image was used in advertising for Vin Mariani High Times Encyclopedia of Recreational Drugs.. Stonehill, 1978.
Musto, David. The American Experience with Stimulants and Opiates. 1998.
Warwick, Dionne Cannabis Arrested for having 11 joints in her suitcase at the Miami airport. "Dionne Warwick arrested for pot possession." May 12, 2002. LINK 1
Washington, George Cannabis (Hemp) Is known to have grown hemp. We have seen little evidence that he smoked it. Conrad Chris. Hemp: Lifeline to the Future. 1994 LINK 4
Wasson, R. Gordon Mushrooms   Wasson RG. "Seeking the Magic Mushroom." Life Magazine. May 13, 1957.   1
Watts, Alan LSD, Cannabis, Mushrooms, Psilocybin, DMT, Mescaline       2
Wedgwood, Thomas Nitrous   Wallechinsky et al. The Book of Lists.   2
Weil, Andrew Cannabis       2
  Peyote       0
  MDA       2
  Mushrooms   Mushroom Hunting, J Psych Drugs, 1975 Link 1
Wilberforce, William Opium     LINK 2
Williams, Montel Cannabis Medical use for Multiple Sclerosis Montel Williams Show, Jan 13, 2004   1
Wilson, Bill LSD   Betty Eisner Interview   2
  Psilocybin       2
Yeats, WB Hashish     LINK 3
Zola, Emile Coca Wine   High Times Encyclopedia of Recreational Drugs. Stonehill, 1978.   0

Reference Status Key
  1. Referenced
  2. Believe reference can be found
  3. Likely, but don't know about references
  4. Common rumor
  5. Unsubstantiated rumor
Revision History #
  • v1.0 - Feb 1, 2004 - Erowid - v1 published.
  • v1.1 - Jul 30, 2005 - Erowid - Updated.
  • v1.2 - Jul 8, 2006 - Erowid - Updated.
  • v1.3 - Dec 8, 2006 - Erowid - Updated.
  • v1.4 - Jan 11, 2007 - Erowid - Updated.
  • v1.5 - Apr 3, 2007 - Erowid - Updated.
  • v1.6 - Sep 25, 2007 - Erowid - Updated.
  • v1.7 - Mar 13, 2008 - Erowid - Updated.
  • v1.8 - Mar 18, 2009 - Erowid - Updated.
  • v1.9 - Mar 4, 20010 - Erowid - Updated.
  • v2.0 - Apr 4, 2013 - Erowid - Added dozens of entries.