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Charles S. Grob
Photo by Anne McAndrews, 2006
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Charles S. Grob
Charles S. Grob, MD is a professor of psychiatry and biobehavioral sciences at UCLA's David Geffen School of Medicine, and is Director of the Division of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry at Harbor-UCLA Medical Center. He is also a founding board member and Director of Clinical Research for The Heffter Institute, a non-profit organization dedicated to the scientific study of psychedelics. Grob has held a long-standing interest in altered mind states and the healing power that they may have. He conducted the first FDA-approved study giving MDMA to human subjects. He led an international team of experts looking into the long-term effects of ayahuasca use by Brazilian members of the União do Vegetal church, finding beneficial effects on those with substance addiction problems. The team also found that platelet serotonin uptake sites increased in those who drank ayahuasca, which may have implications related to potential antidepressant effects of this visionary brew. With Dennis McKenna and Jace Callaway, Grob co-authored a review of the scientific research on ayahuasca. Following his work with ayahuasca, Grob conducted the first successful study looking into the use of psilocybin to treat the anxiety associated with end-stage cancer; his work has inspired further study into this area by researchers at Johns Hopkins School of Medicine and New York University.

Grob is the editor of Hallucinogens: A Reader (featuring contributions by Andrew Weil, Terence McKenna, Jeremy Narby, Ralph Metzner, Rick Strassman, and others), and co-editor (with Roger Walsh) of Higher Wisdom: Eminent Elders Explore the Continuing Impact of Psychedelics (featuring interviews with Ram Dass, Betty Eisner, James Fadiman, Gary Fisher, Peter T. Furst, Stanislav Grof, Michael Harner, Albert Hofmann, Laura Archera Huxley, Zalman Schachter-Shalomi, Alexander T. Shulgin, Ann Shulgin, Huston Smith, and Myron Stolaroff).

Author of (Book Chapters)
  • Psychedelic Psychotherapy Near the End of Life [with A. Danforth]. In: T.B. Roberts (Ed). The Psychedelic Future of the Mind: How Entheogens Are Enhancing Cognition, Boosting Intelligence, and Raising Values. Inner Traditions (forthcoming 2013)
  • The Ritual use of Psychoactive Drugs [with M. Dobkin de Rios]. In: I.P. Stolerman (Ed). Encyclopedia of Psychopharmacology. Springer Publishers (2010)
  • Ecstasy [with A.L. Danforth]. In: G.L. Fisher and N.A. Roget (Eds). Encyclopedia of Substance Abuse Prevention, Treatment and Recovery. Sage Publishers, pages 352-354 (2009)
  • Substanz-unterstutzte Psychotherapie am Lebensende? Forschung mit Psilocybin bei Krebspatienten im Fortgenschrittenen Stadium. In: H. Jungaberle, P. Gasser, J. Weinhold and R. Verres (Eds). Therapie mit Psychoaktiven Substanzen. Verlag Hans Huber, pages 237-249 (2008)
  • The Use of Psilocybin in Patients with Advanced Cancer and Existential Anxiety. Chapter 11 in: M.J. Winkelman and T.B. Roberts (Eds). Psychedelic Medicine: New Evidence for Hallucinogenic Substances as Treatments, Volume 1. Greenwood Publishing, pages 205-16 (2007)
  • Psychological Health and Growth [with R. Walsh], in: M.J. Winkelman and T.B. Roberts (Eds). Psychedelic Medicine: New Evidence for Hallucinogenic Substances as Treatments, Volume 2. Greenwood Publishing, pages 213-25 (2007)
  • MDMA [with Poland RE]. Chapter 22 in: J.H. Lowinson, P. Ruiz, R.B. Millman, and J.G. Langrod (Eds). Substance Abuse: A Comprehensive Textbook, 4th Edition. William & Eilkins, pages 374-86 (2005)
  • The Enigma of Ecstasy: Implications for Youth and Society. Chapter 4 in: L.T. Flaherty (Ed). Adolescent Psychiatry: The Annals of the American Society for Adolescent Psychiatry, Volume 29. The Analytic Press, Inc., pages 97-117 (2005)
  • Farmacologia Humana da Hoasca: Efeitos Psicologicos [with D.J. McKenna, J.C. Callaway, G.S. Brito, E.S. Neves, G. Oberlaender, O.L. Saide, E. Labigliani, C. Tacla, C.T. Miranda, R.J. Strassman, and K.S. Boone]. In: B.C. Labate and W.S. Araujo (Eds). O Uso Ritual Da Ayahuasca. Mercado De Letras (2002)
  • Farmacologia Humana da Hoasca: Estudos Clinicos [with E.N. Andrade, G.S. Brito, E.S. Neves, D.J. McKenna, J.W. Cavalcante, L. Okimura, J.C. Callaway]. In: B.C. Labate and W.S. Araujo (Eds). O Uso Ritual Da Ayahuasca. Mercado De Letras (2002)
  • The Psychology of Ayahuasca. In: R. Metzner (Ed). Ayahuasca: Hallucinogens, Consciousness, and the Spirit of Nature. Thunder's Mouth Press, pages 214-249 (1999)
  • La ricera umana sull'MDMA. In: F. Schifano, L. Checchi, L. Di Furia, N. Minucci, G. Forza, D. Berto, and R. Bricolo (Eds). Ecstasy e Sostanze Psichedeliche. Regione Emilia-Romagna, Assessorato alle Politiche Sociali e Familiari, Scuola, Qualita Urbana, pages 76-89 (1997)
  • Psychedelics and Transpersonal Psychiatry [with G.L. Bravo]. In: B.W. Scotton, A.B. Chinen, and J.R. Battista (Eds). Textbook of Transpersonal Psychiatry and Psychology. Basic Books, pages 176-185 (1996)
  • Psychedelic psychotherapy [with G.L. Bravo]. In: B.W. Scotton, A.B. Chinen and J.R. Battista (Eds). Textbook of Transpersonal Psychiatry and Psychology. Basic Books, pages 335-343 (1996)
  • Hallucinogens, Managed States of Consciousness, and Adolescents: Cross-cultural Perspectives [with M. Dobkin de Rios]. In: P.K. Bock (Ed), Handbook of Psychological Anthropology. Greenwood Press, pages 315-329 (1994)
  • Depression: Pharmacological Treatment. In: V. Van Hasselt and M. Hersen (Eds). Handbook of Behavior Therapy and Pharmacotherapy for Children: A Comparative Treatment. Ayllan and Bacon, pages 171-198 (1993)
  • Author of (Articles)
  • MDMA research update: the Harbor-UCLA project, MAPS Newsletter (1994)

  • Not Available at Erowid

  • Pilot Study of Psilocybin Treatment for Anxiety in Advanced-stage Cancer Patients [with G.S. Chopra, A.L. Danforth, M.C. Hagerty, C.R. McKay, A.L. Halberstadt, and G.R. Greer]. Arch Gen Psychiatry, 68(1):71-78 (2010)
  • Birthing the Transpersonal [with S. Grof, G. Bravo, and R. Walsh]. Journal of Transpersonal Psychology 40:155-177 (2008)
  • Revisiting Hallucinogen Research: An Experimental Model with Advanced-stage Cancer Patients and Anxiety. San Francisco Medicine 79(8):22-23 (2006)
  • Early Psychedelic Investigators Reflect on the Psychological and Social Implications of their Research [with R. Walsh]. Journal of Humanistic Psychology 46:432-448 (2006)
  • Ayahuasca Use in Cross-cultural Perspective: An Introduction [with M. Dobkin de Rios]. Journal of Psychoactive Drugs 37:119-121 (2005)
  • The Enigma of Ecstasy: Implications for Youth and Society. Adolescent Psychiatry 29:97-117 (2005)
  • Additive Effects of HIV and Chronic Methamphetamine Use on Brain Metabolite Abnormalities [with L. Chang, T. Ernst, and O. Speck], American Journal of Psychiatry 162:361-9 (2005)
  • Enlarged Striatum in Abstinent Methamphetamine Abusers: A Possible Compensatory Response [with L. Chang, C. Cloak, K. Patterson, E.N. Miller, and T. Ernst T], American Journal of Psychiatry 57(9):967-74 (2005)
  • Do Drugs Have Religious Import? A 40-year Retrospective [with H. Smith, R. Jesse, G. Bravo, A. Agar, and R. Walsh]. Journal of Humanistic Psychology 44:120-140 (2004)
  • Psychedelic Research Re-visited [with J. Fadiman, G. Bravo, A. Agar, and R. Walsh]. Journal of Transpersonal Psychology 35:111-125 (2003)
  • Is U.S. Drug Policy on Ecstasy Scientifically Justified?, Journal of Addiction and Mental Health 5(2):17 (2002)
  • The Politics of Ecstasy, J Psychoactive Drugs 34(2):143-4 (2002)
  • Brain Proton Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy in Children Exposed to Methamphetamine in Utero [with L.M. Smith, L. Chang, M.L. Yonekura, D. Osborne, and T. Ernst]. Neurology 57:255-260 (2001)
  • Drug Use and Misuse in Adolescence. Journal of the California Alliance for the Mentally Ill 11:40-43 (2000)
  • Ayahuasca Preparations and Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors: A Potential Combination for Severe Adverse Interactions [with J.C. Callaway], J Psychoactive Drugs 30(4):367-9 (1998)
  • Hallucinogens at the Turn of the Century: an Introduction [with G.R. Greer GR, and M. Mangini], J Psychoactive Drugs 30(4):315-9 (1998)
  • Psychiatric Research with Hallucinogens: What have we Learned? Heffter Review of Psychedelic Research 1:8-20 (1998)
  • MDMA Research: Preliminary Investigations with Human Subjects. International Journal of Drug Policy 9:119-124 (1998)
  • Psychedelic Drug Research: Recent Developments with MDMA and Ayahuasca. In: R. Verres, H. Leuner and A. Dittrich (Eds). Welten Des Bewusstseins. Verlag fur Wissenschaft und Bildung, pages 93-109 (1998)
  • Therapeutic Use Of Hallucinogens [with G.R. Greer and M. Mangini]. Journal of Psychoactive Drugs 30:315-428 (1998)
  • Quantitation of N,N-Dimethyltryptamine and Harmala Alkaloids in Human Plasma after Oral Dosing with Ayahuasca [with J.C. Callaway, L.P. Raymon, W.L. Hearn, D.J. McKenna, G.S. Brito, and D.C. Mash], J Anal Toxicol 20(6):492-7 (1996)
  • Making Sense of the Psychedelic Issue [with W.W. Harman]. Noetic Sci Rev 35:5-9,37-41 (1995)
  • Human Research with Hallucinogens: Past Lessons and Current Trends [with G.L. Bravo]. In: M. Winkelman and W. Andritsky (Eds). Yearbook of Cross-Cultural Medicine and Psychotherapy. Verlag, pages 129-142 (1995)
  • Platelet Serotonin Uptake Sites Increased in Drinkers of Ayahuasca [with J.C. Callaway, M.M. Airaksinen, D.J. McKenna, and G.S. Brito], Psychopharmacology (Berl) 116(3):385-7 (1994)
  • Psychiatric Research with Hallucinogens: What have we Learned? Yearbook for Ethnomedicine and the Study of Consciousness 3:91-112 (1994)
  • Hallucinogens, Suggestibility and Adolescence in Cross-cultural Perspective [with M. Dobkin de Rios]. Yearbook for Ethnomedicine and the Study of Consciousness 3:113-132 (1994)
  • Biochemical and Behavioral Effects of the Plant Hallucinogen, Ayahuasca. Neuropsychopharmacology 10:766S (1994)
  • Adolescent Drug Use in Cross Cultural Perspective [with M. Dobkin de Rios]. Journal of Drug Issues 22:121-138 (1992)
  • Shamans, Sacraments and Psychiatrists [with G. Bravo] , Journal of Psychoactive Drugs 21:123-128 (1989)
  • Suspected Adverse Methylphenidate-Imipramine Interactions in Children [with J.T. Coyle]. Journal of Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics 7:265-267 (1986)
  • Substance Abuse: What Turns Casual Use into Chronic Dependence? Contemporary Pediatrics 3:26-41 (1986)
  • Persistent Supersensitivity Vomiting Following Neuroleptic Withdrawal: A Case Study in an Adolescent. Biological Psychiatry 21:398-401 (1986)
  • Editor of (Books & Journals)
  • Higher Wisdom: Eminent Elders Explore the Continuing Impact of Psychedelics [with Roger Walsh] (2005)
  • Ayahuasca [with M. Dobkin de Rios] . Journal of Psychoactive Drugs, Volume 37 (2005)
  • Hallucinogens: A Reader (2002)
  • Interviews by
  • "A Conversation with Albert Hofmann". In: Hallucinogens: A Reader (2002)
  • Healing the Split: Madness or Transcendence--A New Understanding of the Crisis and Treatment of the Mentally Ill by J.E. Nelson. Jeremy P. Tarcher, Inc., 1991. In: Association for Humanistic Psychology Perspective, page 19 (1992)
  • Author of (Book Reviews)
  • Vine of the Soul: Medicine Men, their Plants and Rituals in the Colombian Amazon by R.E. Schultes and R.F. Raffaur, Synergistic Press, Boston, 1992. Co-reviewer, M. Dobkin de Rios. In: Journal of Psychoactive Drugs 25:177-178 (1993)
  • Healing the Split: Madness or Transcendence--A New Understanding of the Crisis and Treatment of the Mentally Ill by J.E. Nelson. Jeremy P. Tarcher, Inc., 1991. In: Association for Humanistic Psychology Perspective, page 19 (1992)
  • Videos
  • Charles Grob Interview. New Maps of Hyperspace, Episode Five (April 2010)
  • The Use of Hallucinogens in Psychiatry and Medicine, [with A. Danforth]. Psychedelic Science in the 21st Century (April 2010)
  • Psychedelic Psychotherapy for Life-Threatening Illness Anxiety Panel, [with A. Danforth, R. Griffiths, S. Ross, J. Guss, A. Bossis, P. Gasser, W.A. Richards, and M. Cosimano]. Psychedelic Science in the 21st Century (April 2010)
  • De Vine, Elevate Films; A 14-minute documentary on ayahuasca, featuring Charles S. Grob. (2009)
  • Psilocybin and Cancer Anxiety - Part 1 of 2, CBC News: The National (2007)
  • Psilocybin and Cancer Anxiety - Part 2 of 2, CBC News: The National (2007)
  • Peru: Hell and Back--Video Exclusive. National Geographic Video; writer Kira Salak mentions Grob's work with ayahuasca (2006)