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Search Results
All reports with author name including 'Leprechaun'
(20 Total)

Recommended In the Picture Leprechaun DOB 2006 Feb 09
Recommended When Dreams Play True Leprechaun 2C-B 2003 Jul 08
Recommended Warm Heart, Smooth Sailing, Long Rainy Night Leprechaun 4-Fluoroamphetamine 2003 Mar 10
Recommended Insight Leprechaun 2C-I 2001 Sep 15
Recommended Where Does It Go? Leprechaun 2C-T-7 2001 Apr 24
Recommended Beyond Euphoria Leprechaun 2C-T-7 & MDMA 2001 Mar 28
New Putting Our Mephedrone to Rest... Leprechaun 4-Methylmethcathinone 2024 Sep 20
Erotic Soul Silk Leprechaun 2C-B 2018 Dec 21
Initiation Leprechaun DOM & Etizolam 2018 Nov 29
Archetype then Revelation then Paranoia Leprechaun 4-Acetoxy-DET & MBDB 2003 Feb 01
Sweet Cheap Sufiuasca New World Style Leprechaun Arundo donax & Passion Flower (Passiflora incarnata) 2008 Dec 23
Oblivion and Back Leprechaun AMT 2002 Feb 25
A Wonderful Ally Leprechaun 4-Acetoxy-DET 2002 Feb 11
AMT and the Brain Leprechaun AMT 2001 Jun 02
MDMA for Therapy: The Only Way? Leprechaun MDMA 2001 Feb 06
Respect the Many Leprechaun LSD, 2C-I & Other Substances 2019 Feb 10
Biggest Baddest Blunts Leprechaun Cacti - T. pachanoi & Cannabis 2008 Dec 21
Observations On a Novel Compound Leprechaun 2C-T-2 2003 Nov 06
Sassy leprechaun Sassafras 2008 Jan 31
Misunderstood Leprechaun Coleus 2007 Sep 27

NOTE: There are 3 experiences matching this search in the Erowid Cellar.
"Cellar" reports contain important or useful pieces of information but otherwise fall below the minimum readability or reliability standards expected of published reports (or have significant other problems identified by the Erowid crew).

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