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The Big Switch and Mixed Feelings
Citation:   MadcapMinstrel. "The Big Switch and Mixed Feelings: An Experience with Heroin (exp100039)". Aug 19, 2020.

  repeated insufflated Heroin (powder / crystals)
    repeated smoked Tobacco - Cigarettes  
For the past three years, I've done oxies once a week, or thereabouts. Since my dealer only had his own prescription available, and I can only spend so much of my own money, I have managed to never get dopesick all this time.

However, my guy’s doctor finally cut him off, and around this time, I also got sick of spending excess money on pills. So I finally made the trek to the ghetto of the town next to me, $10 in hand. I wasn’t sure how to cop on the streets, but I lucked out when a guy came up to me and asked for change. I gave him change, and asked him if he could help me out too. He took me to this apartment building, I handed him my $10, and it was like the scene from a movie. He held his hand up, and another hand reached out between the stair rails, took the money and handed him something, which he handed to me. It was a tiny little bag with “McDonalds” stamped on it.

I always keep old receipts from stores on me to roll up and snort, so I rolled one up, tore the bag open, and snorted what was inside. It felt like when I’d snort oxies, but I could have sworn I tasted a hint of chocolate. Not sure what that stuff was cut with.
Within minutes, I felt the same kind of high I did with about 40 mg of oxycodone, but for a quarter of the price.
I felt the same kind of high I did with about 40 mg of oxycodone, but for a quarter of the price.
Some people get aggressive and irritable when doped out, but not me. I’m happy as can be, and I love the world. I happily parted ways with the stranger, but went back to the building and asked a guy for two more. He was slightly reluctant, saying he didn’t normally sell to white folks. Had I not been stoned, I might have gotten angry, since I’m Puerto Rican, but I simply corrected his mistake speaking Spanish to him, and he relaxed. I gave him $20, went home, snorted half a bag, and put the rest of the stuff away.

I went to my friends’ house to watch “Ocean’s Eleven”, and pretty much chain-smoked the entire time, like I normally do when I’m on opiates. After I went home, I snorted the other bag-and-a-half, and put on “Trainspotting”, however cliched that may be.
All in all, I was pretty happy with what happened, but wary that if I allow myself too much access to this, I’ll be on the road to addiction, which is the last thing I want.

Exp Year: 2013ExpID: 100039
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: 29
Published: Aug 19, 2020Views: 979
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Heroin (27) : General (1), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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