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Technical Visualizations
NBOMe Series & Ketamine
Citation:   George T. "Technical Visualizations: An Experience with NBOMe Series & Ketamine (exp100045)". Sep 30, 2013.

1 hit   NBOMe Series (blotter / tab)
  250 mg   Ketamine  
My experience with NBOME was interesting. I can honestly say that were I to design information systems, anything cryptographically advanced, or it I were doing industrial design or any kind of visualization, I would want to employ the kind of vision that I experienced during my NBOME exploration. Simply put, NBOME offers a window into one of the most advanced worlds I've ever seen.

Now given my current interests, in cryptography, digital currency, anonymity and Buddhism, I can generally appreciate that what's happening in my mind is relatively advanced already, both philosophically and intellectually. What I was unprepared for was just how deeply I was able to integrate my experience and knowledge with technical visualizations.

I now know why these drugs are known as designer drugs: visuals like those in Tron Legacy were extremely strong: lots of glowing lines, geometric structures, topographical diagrams, smooth white vinyl surfaces, lots of 3d camera movements lots of colour.

I found that notions of identity and encryption became intertwined and inseparable, and grappling with the self became a zen-like puzzle, where the less one struggled to grasp the more complexity evolved and the further the self-arising structures progressed, with infinitely recurring structures of geometric light unfoding at the heart of all being and matter, giving rise to DNA.

What is most difficult for me to comprehend is that this is clearly such a powerful and useful mind-tool, that going without this experience, or rather NOT having access to a mind that can do all this is almost criminal in itself (thus outlawing it is criminal) but what's most curious of all is wondering how one could possibly apply the kind of things that one sees on NBOME into information systems design, graphic design or technical and industrial design?

I would hope that simply doing a lot of it would be enough to inform my design process, but I suspect that this is not the case. I realize that the learning curve for any of these disciplines is a sharp one, and that one could conceivably spend an entire lifetime simply trying to master one of them. To this end I think that simply 'doing a lot of NBOME' would not be sufficient, that perhaps a measured approach, with a review of information learned and skills to be applied could be done with NBOME once a month, for a period of six to twelve months?

I recognize that the mind and brain enjoys this chemical a great deal; being as it is a kind of mind 'food', but I worry that it may be the equivalent of McDonalds; extremely processed, chemically 'poisonous'?

I also worry about a culture that does not understand this kind of psychedelic. LSD is one thing, NBOME is (it seems) more advanced. The NBOME universe is profoundly more enhanced, better designed (in my opinion) and I wonder exactly what kind of program it's running?

The thing to do is on NBOME is to seek 'pleasure'. Pleasure equals visualizations, and visualizations = reward. They are one and the same. The thing to avoid is any sense of seeking, looking for pleasure or seeking to reward oneself or find pleasure is counterproductive, as you're inevitably linked to the notion of self.

I would recommend doing this in a flotation tank if possible. I actually did charge myself by going to an industrial techno club, which was quite a good idea, but I found I didn't really explore the NBOME properly until I was at home alone with a little bit of K.

Incidentally, adding a touch of K really made a big difference to the NBOME, I think because the chemical structures are different, the way they interacted geometrically made a massive difference to the structures and visualizations. I have to note here that adding more K lead to extreme visualizations and a total loss of self, and all control, but I found it too much when the K really kicked in.

K gives an extreme sense of 'immanence'. It's equivalent to feeling that the new messiah has arrived, that the whole notion of the self is over, that the new mind has arisen, and I find that, in a way, if that happens before death, then it is premature.

Although the visuals from K and NBOME were phenomenal, I'm unsure as to whether I want to experience this before I die. The main issue here is that when I enter the K-Hole, I don't feel that I've properly prepared myself, and though that's 'OK' in some respects (the new mind appears to forgive all) I feel unworthy before that messianic peak occurs.

Actually, the K-dimension is strange. At first I realize quite suddenly that I'm in K-Space, and then all things in my mind collapse and become quantized. Each element of thought is collapsed into equally denominated 'quanta' and collapsed into a single framework where all elements are perfectly equal. It's as if everything is defined by one extremely powerful and elegant algorithm.

This time, I was staring up the edge of enormous buildings, the shining skyscrapers of shinagawa for example, although all in white marble (and glass); huge sheer structures housing the incorporated self, manufacturing and distributing the chemicals that were enlightening my tiny biological vehicle, my body, my discreet atomized person.

What's curious to me more than ever, here, is that cyberspace is very much a place where we can all be 'one'. Being there meant the dissolution of self to the degree that I was free to share in all creation, to 'be' whomever I wanted to be, or rather, to be 'with' whomever I wanted to be with.

I found myself conjuring the girls who I'd been talking with at the club. I did not 'need' them there in my bed. It was enough to 'imagine' being with them, or rather, to be tangled up in them, a quantum entanglement of mind.

Actually, that gives me an idea. I think perhaps we ought to designate a day, specifically for psychonauts who want to trip together on their own. What I mean is: on the last friday of each month, psychonauts should check in by dropping NBOME and psychically linking up with each other.

There was an experiment like this called 'The Levitation of Parliament' (which ostensibly failed) I suggest that a psychedelic activist group be assembled in order to 'levitate' policy and the direction of the state.

It's possible after all that we can affect our democracy with this tool. Maybe over time, continued intelligent use of psychedelics could affect the body-politic.

Exp Year: 2013ExpID: 100045
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 33
Published: Sep 30, 2013Views: 3,294
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Ketamine (31), NBOMe Series (539) : Various (28), Combinations (3)

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