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Opiate Withdrawal Godsend OTC
by C
Citation:   C. "Opiate Withdrawal Godsend OTC: An Experience with Loperamide (exp100067)". May 4, 2016.

  repeated oral Loperamide (pill / tablet)
Before I get into my Opiate Withdrawal dosage recommendation, I'd like to give a background, on the type of user I've been. I've been an IV opiate user, of the 'H' factor for over 5 years, with an added 4 years 'tooting' (that's how I began). I've gone on the Suboxone route many times, and although it helps if I take it for less than a week, it's still alternating one for the other, in my case.

After doing HOURS and HOURS of research, I kid you not. I came upon a slew of threads and posts claiming the 'Lope-Dose' works. I was highly skeptical. But my sub dude was not answering after a long 'H'binge (2 hard weeks) so I figured F%^& it ill give it a try (keep in mind I will explain why I purchased these products). And this was my experience.

Day 1. Went to the store, picked up Loperamide hcl 350 ct. (immodium) (pills not capsules, those will make u sick), 2 liter of Tonic water, must be tonic, and not seltzer, as, tonic water contains Quinine (natural pain killer) and a pack of Tagamet, and finally a bottle of 100% Grapefruit juice, MUST BE RUBY RED GRAPEFRUIT JUICE 100% (generic or namebrand doesn't matter).

When all of these products were purchased, I began with 400-600mg of Tagamet (for heartburn), and let that settle for 20-30 min.Then I took my Loperamide (2mg) 40pills=(80mg), and washed that down with 12oz of Tonic water, and 16oz of Grapefruit Juice. Now this is why..Loperamide IS an OPIOID, not an opiate, theres a difference. [The theory is that] Loperamide when mixed with quinine and grapefruit juice, ACTS on the opiates receptors, and basically is telling or confusing the brain, to think that the opiate receptors are being, used/or acted upon, Hence taking the withdrawals away. I began my science test, at 9:30am and by 11:00 my withdrawals were completely gone. COMPLETELY!!!

The time is now 4:30 and I Feel GREAT!!! NO withdrawals. I did feels a little giddy/hyper for maybe an hour after my dose, but everything subsided and I feel amazing. Now of course I am not a doctor. And everyone should regulate there dose accordingly, but I can honestly say this is a GODSEND. I might also add, that after I finished my 'H' binge, which was on a Sunday, and I began my lope dose on a Monday night, I felt a little crappy Monday night, because I don't think I dosed enough (20mg) but the next morning, I dosed higher 56mg (28pills) then 24mg (12 more) an hour later. and now I feel amazing. I also have an appetite, but I don't know how much I should eat, considering I took loperamide and that will back you up, so I'm sticking to light foods, fruit, and I did also read that this half life lasts 24 hours, so I'll dose for 2 days then skip a day to evacuate my stomach with a laxative.THIS REALLY IS A GODSEND AND I FEEL GREAT. This is not to get me high but to take the withdrawals away, and make me feel better than normal!

Exp Year: 2013ExpID: 100067
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 28
Published: May 4, 2016Views: 16,190
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Loperamide (459) : Addiction & Habituation (10), Therapeutic Intent or Outcome (49), Glowing Experiences (4), Unknown Context (20)

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