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A Voyage Through The Time of What Is Known
Citation:   Armored Snail. "A Voyage Through The Time of What Is Known: An Experience with Ethylphenidate (exp100251)". May 30, 2013.

T+ 0:00
20 mg   Pharms - Citalopram (daily)
  T+ 0:00 45 mg   Pharms - Mirtazapine (daily)
  T+ 0:00 1800 mg   Pharms - Gabapentin (daily)
  T+ 0:00 20 mg insufflated Ethylphenidate (powder / crystals)
  T+ 0:06 20 mg insufflated Ethylphenidate (powder / crystals)
I have come across 2 grams of Ethylphendate from a fairly reliable source, the color is a clean white, it is a fairly clumpy granular powder which I crush with a plastic card to make it possible to insuffulate.

I should state at this time that I am a 32 year old Asian female, around 140-145 lbs., five foot one with former experience with other stimulants such as Methylphenidate, Adderall, crystal meth, opiates, including both synthetic and natural forms, psychedelics including LSD, mushrooms, which I find hard to tolerate, largely, I am guessing from the interaction between psych meds and the shrooms, 5-MeO DMT, jimson weed, and a slew of other chemicals such as crack, ecstasy, MPA, 4M crystals, Dimethocaine, assorted RCs. I should state here that I have been diagnosed with schizo-affective disorder and take four medications daily for psychiatric purposes.

Some might argue that I should not be experimenting with my body chemistry, to each their own. I take 20 mg of Citalopram at night along with 45 mg of Remeron and take 1800 mg of Neurontin throughout the day in three doses of 600 mg each and 2 8 mg doses of Trilafon throughout the day. The way that I take medications is streamlined for efficiency and the least amount of interference possible with the actual events of any given day.

This day I have ethylphenidate and a number of other research chemicals to try. I take a healthy amount of ethylphenidate, weighed at 40 mg. The white powder is clumpy and I have to crush it finely with a plastic card so it might be insuffulated. I cut that 40 mg into two lines, both of approximately equal size, 20 mg, eyeballed, and insuffulate one of them after a measured and respectful pause over the incongruous white powder. I am using a rolled-up business card to snuffle the powder. I have had no breakfast and have been playing a bit this morning but aside from minimal remaining jaw motion, I feel pretty close to baseline, a +/- on the Shulgn Scale.

I rail the first line and wait. It is exactly 1:00 pm EST. I finish the one and the potent burning sensation in my left nostril is making my left eye water but it's not unbearable. My jaw is clenched a bit and it's only been a minute or so. At +1 after two full minutes, the chemical is unwinding itself in my bloodstream but I am unsure yet of it's true power, the desire to play with my tongue is intense and I feel a pressure on the left side of my head, which is also the side of my jaw I've been clenching and the nostril I used. It's a sort of tightness. I am breathing deeply in and out of my mouth, as with any good stim, makes the nose seems superfluous.

Almost +5 min. Since I railed the first line. I will wait until 5 full minutes have passed to snort the other one. Typing this helps me keep track of time and effect, also, I have to do a few errands today, so I cannot lose myself entirely. My interest in research chemicals came with becoming an adult and having a debit card and the lure of the Internet and it's various powders and potions that can surprise, amaze, and awe!

It is now t+6 minutes so I will rail the remaining line and consider where I think I am on the Shulgin scale. This is all in real time, so I'll continue to document as I type as quickly as I can to keep up with my thoughts. First thoughts are that this is a perfectly acceptable stim, moderate body load, some jaw clenching and such, listening to Burial station on Pandora so nothing to fear there. My tongue is curling around in my mouth as is common when I'm taking stimulants.

No appetite, though I've not yet eaten today. Slight anxious edge, typical of stimulant drugs. I prepare my other nostril and wait for the pain. It burns but I finish the fat line and sit, sniffling, my nose is slightly clogged and a little bit runny. I can taste the chemicals in the drip. This company is relatively reputable, the products they sell seems properly advertised, without a kit, I cannot be sure.

My head feels congested, music has some interesting textures, it feels like my jaw is wired shut, this is T +13 minutes after snorting the first line. I have some errands to do so ill get ready and leave the house to do them, I'll keep paper and a pen with me to note down peaks and troughs in terms of effect, am curious to see how it affects using the body. I am moderately experienced with meth, having snorted, smoked, and IVed it, but this is something different, no initial mind bending rush, just steady stimulation. I'll take notes as the day goes on. I am going to try to avoid re-dosing until this evening. Too much re-dosing effects effects, thus, I will not compulsively re-dose out of a sense of personal dignity. Some drugs make it really difficult, though.

+20 min. My jaw a source of constant awareness. I'm outside,preparing to walk to the bank. Nose is stuffy. I begin walking: it feels easy, fluid, a great way to burn off this excess energy. Walking is effortless, not a lot of body awareness when in motion, just a satisfying muscle stretch now and then. I am wearing a light sheen of sweat, I am also wearing a sweater in early spring in the northeast. It's probably about 67 or 65 degrees out, this is +26 minutes.

I am smoking a cigar as I walk and type (iPad) and I have to remind myself to drag and breathe through my nose. I stop, now at T +30 min. I am resting by a stream in town, it runs through the town, and I have to say, I feel great! I have endless amounts of energy, potentially, and a great deal of focus. This is why I love stims, the focus and energy. As someone who ingests medium strength antipsychotic drugs on a daily basis, this could be akin to a godsend. I have to go to the bank and grocery store, there is no paranoia except for concern about my mouth being overly active. Effects are steady and easy, +2 on the Shulgin scale, I'd say.

I seem to handle myself reasonably well in public and I live in a very small town, so we are not accustomed to anything dramatic, gang violence, etc. there is very little physical danger and such in this small town, even late at night,which I like. I can Imagine railing about 60 mg of ethylphenidate and going on a Long night hike. It is +37min and I will continue on my way to the bank. Jaw action is unbelievable!
The cool early spring air feel exceptionally good. Not a social substance, though, I feel more prone to battering down ideas and theories. Dancing might be fun. This isn't a methylone substitute, if what I've read is correct. Keep having the urge to breathe through my mouth, like take the longest, deepest breaths that i can.

I am in the bank now and am making use of their counters to type. It is now 45 min since the first line, I will fill out my slip and continue on my day. I'm excited about looking at food without any hunger. The bank went smoothly except for my profuse sweating. I mean, dripping with sweat on a fairly cool early spring day. I dry up about outside and take off my sweater, now + 51 min. since the fist line. I run into a friend and we walk together. I do not mention the ethylphenidate to her.

I bought groceries, steak and bacon for a very special bacon-wrapped steak for a fellow farmer I fancy. It is now + 1 hour 3 min. I consider offering the ethyl to my friend, giving her day an unexpected lift but she takes various medications as well and decide against it. If I had just weed, it would be different. Still, I decide to mention to her that I've taken something, which she tacitly declines.

I am home now, it is T + 1 hour and 17 minutes since I railed the first line. I should mention that while I was efficient in the store, getting what I needed quickly, I was spectacularly unorganized keeping everything in my bag and stuff kept flying out, making me look as though I was having some trouble. Now I am home and I can hardly contain my glee at having completed my few errands and being able to be back at home with a kitten and a bunch of other research chemicals for the remainder of the evening. I shall end this trip report now, an hour and twenty minutes after beginning, my buzz is still strong and constant. I hope that this trip report helps to give some insight about combining psych meds and stimulants. Be safe and be open, thank you so much for reading! Cheers!

Exp Year: 2013ExpID: 100251
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: 32
Published: May 30, 2013Views: 12,617
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Ethylphenidate (563) : Glowing Experiences (4), Performance Enhancement (50), First Times (2), Various (28)

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