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Serious Meditation for a Serious Price
Heimia salicifolia & Leonotis nepetaefolia
Citation:   Tunguska. "Serious Meditation for a Serious Price: An Experience with Heimia salicifolia & Leonotis nepetaefolia (exp100354)". Jun 17, 2020.

  oral Heimia salicifolia (tea)
    oral Leonotis nepetifolia (tea)
As an amateur scientist and shaman, I have been looking into “legal high” plants in an attempt to find a comparable substitute to Cannabis. The following is a report on one such experiment.

Preparation: I boiled a herbal mixture of 7.5g Heimia salicifolia (Sinicuichi), 4.5g fresh leaves and 20 dried flowers of L. nepetifolia in 2 cups water for 20 minutes. I then strained the mixture, collected the brew, and boiled the herbage in fresh water twice again. This yeilded 6 cups of brew which I boiled down to a volume equivalent to a tall drinking glass.

Setting: On a sofa with soft ambient music at about 7:30 pm (sunset). No one was in my house to distract me. However, I knew the sedative, non-psychedelic effects of Sinicuichi. If this were my first time I would have had a sitter present for safety measures.

Process (hour:min)

0:00 Consume the brew with difficulty. It would fall squarely between San Pedro tea and Jurema on a scale of bitterness. Proceed to do paperwork.

+0:30 Begin to feel sluggish. The brew is not sitting well in my stomach.

+1:00 Cannot focus on work and decide to lay down on my sofa to sleep.

+1:30-ish I drifted into a peculiar half-conscious sleep with closed eyes. Judging time by my the music on my playlist, I could actively control how fast time moved by how “deeply” I meditated. I was simultaneously dreaming and processing sound from the real world.

+2:45 Wake up with dreadful soreness pervading every muscle of my body. Throat, esophagus, tongue, limbs, chest, and even my scalp! All sore. Furthermore, I could not perceive sound normally. Anything with a high or metallic pitch or percussive beat was several octaves lower than normal.
Anything with a high or metallic pitch or percussive beat was several octaves lower than normal.
Moving was not impossible, but excruciating nonetheless. I go to bed in pain.

+11:15 Wake up in slightly less pain. Call in sick to work and sleep the morning off. For the rest of the day the soreness slowly lessens away.

+26::00 Soreness has largely passed (thank goodness!). Sounds are still notably off, but normalizing.

Conclusion: Sinicuichi is by and large a non-addictive narcotic in the classical sense (sleep-inducing). Though it does not induce auditory hallucinations, it significantly alters my sound perception. With regards to the soreness, it was the most sore I've ever been (and I did Army ROTC). So much so I even felt it in my heart, which cannot be healthy. I attribute the lucidity of my dream state to L. nepetifolia as it often has this strange effect on dreams. It is certainly a plant which has strong potential as an admixture. Ultimately, this concoction of mine can be of great benefit for meditation through sleep. However, the ensuing soreness is rather extreme in both intensity and thoroughness. Therefore I'd chalk this up as an experience to tell about and make a note of, but never repeat.

Exp Year: 2013ExpID: 100354
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 21
Published: Jun 17, 2020Views: 1,503
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Meditation (128), Heimia salicifolia (150), Leonotis nepetifolia (371) : Music Discussion (22), Combinations (3), First Times (2), Alone (16)

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