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Heavenly Bliss
Methylone (bk-MDMA)
Citation:   Kobal. "Heavenly Bliss: An Experience with Methylone (bk-MDMA) (exp100355)". Jul 23, 2013.

T+ 0:00
130 mg oral Methylone (powder / crystals)
  T+ 1:00 30 mg oral Methylone (powder / crystals)
  T+ 1:15 60 mg insufflated Methylone (powder / crystals)
  T+ 1:30 60 mg insufflated Methylone (powder / crystals)
So me and a few friends are experienced with Methylone and I ordered a gram for us. I have experience with MDPV, MDMA, 25i-NBOMe, Marijuana, Mephedrone, Pentedrone, 4-MEC, Methiopropamine, bk-MDMA and a few others I can't think of at the moment. First off, I'll give my views on this chemical. I think it's the best drug ever, it's perfect. Methylone saved my relationships in the past with the anxiety relief effects and the way it allows me to be open to anyone. I've found that it's not addictive at all, and doesn't have any urge to redose. It clears up my depression for months after just one time with it. I'd say it's pretty much my favorite of everything else I've done, including MDMA, M1 isn't as intense and I can actually function around others without them knowing I took anything.

T+0.00 My friend, who I'll call 'A' and I plan to go to the mall, he picked up the methylone from a friends house where I had it sent. He gets to the mall a while later. I ate about 4 hours ago so I had somewhat of an empty stomach. I drink a bottle of water in preperation to clean out my system. When I get there, we sit in his car and intend on dosing. I say to A, 'Shit, this looks like MDPV! I hope it's not.' because in the bag, it seemed to have a clumpy texture like MDPV does. I don't have a scale, but can eyeball doses pretty well. I pour what looks to be 130mg in my hand and lick it off. I've always preferred that over mixing it with water, mainly because I don't have to deal with the bitter taste for a long period. I wash it down with some water and A takes his dose the same way. I smoke a cigarette and we begin walking towards the mall to go walk around and wait for the effects.

T+0.40 It's 40 minutes since we dosed, and still feel nothing. I get a slight placebo effect. A comments that he isn't feeling it yet either, which is weird because in the past, it usually kicked in for me after 30 minutes.

T+1.00 Still no effects. I'm disappointed since I was so excited for this all day. We walk back to A's car and take a 25-30mg booster.

T+1.15 - Still nothing! This is really disappointing. I've been wanting M1 for months and nothing is happening. Me and A decide to go snort a line in his car. I like oral dosing over insufflation, but I was annoyed that it wasn't kicking in at all. I poured out what looked to be 60mg and use A's driver's license to make a line. We have nothing to insufflate it with, so I take apart a pen and use that. Little to no burn, I instantly felt it in the back of my throat. A also insufflates a line, a bit smaller than mine.

T+1.20 - Euphoria! Yes! Finally! I felt it kicking in and we listen to N!TRO. Methylone is incomplete without dubstep or any electro music. I smoke another cigarette, which was actually unpleasant. Smoking while on M1 in the past was extremely euphoric, but I probably just didn't get a big enough dose.

T+1.25 - We walk over to Dollar Tree. Colors are more vivid and brighter than usual. I buy A and myself an energy drink, usually I don't like spending money but the methylone had me in a great mood and I didn't mind at all. We stand in line for a while, only one register is open with a huge line but this doesn't bother me because I'm enjoying the euphoric bliss. The lady at the cashier checks us out and says, 'Have a good day.', I reply 'You have a good day too!'

T+1.30 - Me and A walk back to his car and do another line about the same size as the first, I made his line a bit bigger this time.

T+1.35 - A can feel it now finally and I feel the intensified effects of the second line. We stay in the car and listen to dubstep and one of my trap mixes. We're socializing a lot more and having a good time. I smoke another cigarette, still not pleasant. I look in the mirror and my pupils aren't dilated at all. My dad was picking me up in 15 minutes and A was going to drive home when I left. I asked him if he was able to drive home and he replies, 'Hell yeah! Driving on M1 is fun as fuck!'

[Erowid Note: Driving while intoxicated, tripping, or extremely sleep deprived is dangerous and irresponsible because it endangers other people. Don't do it!]

T+1.40 - My dad picks me up and A walks to his car to go home. As soon as I get in the car, I put a dubstep CD in and turn it up really loud, the euphoria seems to be fading away in waves, however I have no urge to redose yet.

T+2.30 - I force down dinner even though I have no appetite at all. I feel back to baseline except for sweating A LOT. I browse Facebook while listening to some Flosstradamus. I text A and tell him to be careful, he got home fine. Eventually, I get bored and begin writing this report.

Final thoughts? I think Methylone is a great antidepressant. I also have Social Anxiety and it completely relieves any anxiety. I feel like I can have open conversations and pour my emotions out. Unlike MDMA, it's not too speedy but still has intense euphoria. If I'm depressed, I remember bk-MDMA exists and I can always enjoy what it has to offer, one of the greatest feelings in the world. In my opinion, it's the perfect chemical in every way. If you want a smoother version of MDMA, this is it. Good vibes, everyone!

Exp Year: 2013ExpID: 100355
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 19
Published: Jul 23, 2013Views: 4,527
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Methylone (255) : Glowing Experiences (4), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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