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The Extraordinary Ordinary
by Sid
Citation:   Sid. "The Extraordinary Ordinary: An Experience with Opium (exp100661)". Oct 26, 2019.

  smoked Lactuca - L. canadensis
I found that I had some Opium poppies growing in my garden, and the opportunity was far too good to pass up. So I slashed the pods and left them to weep for a day, then I scraped off the resin, I didn’t get very much because its my first time.

Well, I taped a spoon to the table, held a cup over it and inhaled the smoke with a straw, fuck, I expected fireworks due to all the hype. But it’s more like drifting -yes I’m drifting.

I think that my writers block has gone away now because I’m having the best thoughts, I’m reeling, its like floating.
I think that my writers block has gone away now because I’m having the best thoughts, I’m reeling, its like floating.

Listen to music; because it blows my mind, and I touch things, everything feels the best.

Also, I don’t feel pain; I burnt my lip on the spoon but it didn’t hurt a bit! I bet it fucking will in the morning though.

Wow, just, Wow, it’s all the colours, and things move too, and your lungs feel so infinite.

My body slows down and your mind speeds up, thoughts are multitudinous and actions so difficult.

I feel like my brain is being caressed by smoke, I can hear silence.

Its fucking brilliant.

Exp Year: 2012ExpID: 100661
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: 15
Published: Oct 26, 2019Views: 1,329
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Opium (63) : General (1), Performance Enhancement (50), Personal Preparation (45), Unknown Context (20)

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