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More Talkative and in a Silly and Fun Way
Citation:   Cheeky. "More Talkative and in a Silly and Fun Way: An Experience with Methadone (exp100695)". Oct 12, 2021.

25 mg oral Methadone (liquid)
At about 10 pm tonight, I took 25 mg of methadone in the liquid form. Technically, this is my 2nd time, but I don't count my first time since it was a low does and I didn't really feel anything.

This report will be a summary of how I am feeling. Its now 1:45 AM so its been about 4 hours. Tonight, I noticed that I have felt more relaxed than usual. I have been more talkative and in a silly and fun way, not so much in the same way that an upper would make someone talkative.

Its hard to describe my experience but I'll try. Basically, it makes me comfortable and confident so I will say whatever is on my mind. Not like alcohol though, because I am conscious and aware of what I am saying and doing.

I'll post more later on how I am feeling. This is just a start.

Exp Year: 2013ExpID: 100695
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 23
Published: Oct 12, 2021Views: 627
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Methadone (166) : Unknown Context (20), First Times (2)

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