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Time Trekkin Festival
LSD & Cannabis
Citation:   dankdude92. "Time Trekkin Festival: An Experience with LSD & Cannabis (exp100853)". Mar 17, 2023.

T+ 0:00
  smoked Cannabis (flowers)
  T+ 0:00 1 hit oral LSD (blotter / tab)
  T+ 5:00 1 hit oral LSD (blotter / tab)
This isn't the account of my first LSD experience but one of my more interesting ones. My previous drug experience includes marijuana, alcohol, LSD, psilocybin mushrooms, 4-Aco-DMT, various mescaline containing cacti and a few pharmaceuticals. I recently had a number of LSD experiences. The following is the account of a trip that I took on the 21st of June 2013. Interestingly enough it was the summer solstice. The moon was big that night as it was the weekend of a super moon. The setting for this experience was an excellent one; a three day psytrance festival in the middle of campground surrounded by cornfields in rural Iowa.

I arrived at the campground at around 5 pm. There were already quite a few people there. The organizers were just finishing up the stage decorations. I was at the festival alone as I don’t really have a lot of friends into the same type of music and exploration in Iowa. It was somewhat daunting to be at the festival alone but I was feeling great about life during this time so I decided to go for it albeit alone. I had recently been getting more and more interested in spirituality and my discovery of the fact that we manifest our reality through our thoughts and actions left me elated. Suffice to say that I was in a good state mentally for the experience.

After erecting my tent, I went to the main stage where the music had begun to play. Psytrance was something that I was into and I’m even more captivated by this beautiful music after this experience. Anyway I started to smoke one of the joints I had pre rolled and quickly made a friend who I will call J. After getting to know each other a little bit I told J that I was going back to my tent to drop and that I would catch up with him later. I proceeded to my tent and took out a little piece of foil. I carefully unwrapped it and took one of the three blotters out and put it in my mouth. I took note of the time. It was 7pm. Then I grabbed some water and wandered back to the main stage.

I was listening to the music for I’d say about 30 mins when I started to notice how loose I was getting and that my movement to the music was getting less awkward. I noticed J in the background with a group of his friends and I went over to them and introduced myself. I attribute the increased sociability to the LSD as normally I am quite shy until I warm up to people. I smoked some more cannabis and met a girl named K. After smoking the bowl K asked me if I’d like to meet some more people. I said sure and followed her camp area. On the way I ran into my tent and grabbed the other two blotters and put them in my pocket.

We got to K’s camp area and we sat down at a picnic table. She prepared a hookah. I was no starting to trip pretty hard. I offered K a hit of LSD. She obliged. Over the next 20 mins or so I met some more people, all very nice however I regret to say that their names escape me. I was beginning to experience visuals. I was looking at the sky and I saw what I perceived to be latitude and longitude grids as well as many markings I’d see on a map that were drifting across the sky. I made my way to the bathroom and on the way I’d see Buddha heads in the corner of my eyes. And soon enough I began to see Buddha heads in a lot of my surroundings.
I made my way to the bathroom and on the way I’d see Buddha heads in the corner of my eyes. And soon enough I began to see Buddha heads in a lot of my surroundings.
I was also beginning to see outlines in the ground of what looked like Sanskrit or Tibetan text. I know how to distinguish the two but at that point in the experience it wasn’t quite clear like I couldn’t see the text clearly yet.

When I made my way back I noticed that K was beginning to trip quite hard. A few moments after I got back she excused herself saying she was going to go hang out in her tent for a while. I later found out she spent the whole night in her tent unable to get out. It was some really strong LSD! As K excused herself I marveled at how perfectly everything was turning out. I was somewhat apprehensive when I got there that I might not meet anyone due to my reserved nature. However I had made some friends! And now I was making my way to the stage to listen to the music and I had all the makings of a great experience to come on my hands. The music was immense. It completely took over my body. My body was overtaken with graceful fluidity. Make no mistake I was dancing like a madman. The absence of the mind perhaps.

Around midnight I realized that my peak was probably over and decided to take my remaining hit of acid to extend the experience and to kick it back up a notch. Despite the conjecture stating that LSD tolerance builds up rapidly it was quite effective and although it probably wasn’t as effective as the first dose it definitely made things more intense.

As the acid came on I began to see more and more Buddhist imagery. Mostly Buddha heads. The Sanskrit words were no longer just there. They appeared to be rising out of the ground. I could read the words but they kept changing as if though influenced by my psyche. It morphed into the word boddhisatva although in English. The words were all green and outlined in red. In fact there seemed to be a red outline to everything. The outline would sometimes break into red dots at regular intervals then turn back into a line. I have seen this red outline on LSD since the experience.

The added hit of acid made me immerse myself completely in the music. I was jumping all over the dance floor completely controlled by the music. It was very cleansing. Many revelations came to me, some just simple realizations over the perfection of my experience on Earth, some more profound that seem to escape me some vague such as the thought that gratitude is the key to creativity. All in all it was an amazing experience. Redosing the LSD made me trip for approximately 20 hours. Maybe slightly less. It’s difficult to say because even after I came down I wasn’t completely baseline for several more hours. I was definitely exhausted.

Exp Year: 2013ExpID: 100853
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 21
Published: Mar 17, 2023Views: 385
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