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How Addictive These Seemingly Innocent Dried Flowers Can Be
Opium Poppies
Citation:   Stewpot. "How Addictive These Seemingly Innocent Dried Flowers Can Be: An Experience with Opium Poppies (exp100933)". Erowid.org. May 10, 2019. erowid.org/exp/100933

  oral Poppies - Opium (tea)
Poppies - be cautious
It's a very pleasant warm (itchy) buzz, which doesn't really affect my day to day goings on. My wife would never know I was on them, but might often say things like 'wow, your pupils are really small', or 'you look really tired' etc etc. Eventually I found I could be on them at work (I run my own business) and it wouldn't really have a negative effect on my workflow.

I got into a weekly habit of having poppy pod tea every friday, and then having top up doses on saturdays of the leftovers. After a few days off (and getting over the constipation), I would then repeat the friday dose, week after week, until I got into a daily habit.

Facing up to the fact that I had a problem, I gave them up and it was very unpleasant.
Facing up to the fact that I had a problem, I gave them up and it was very unpleasant.
Like having the flu with depression, having no energy, I guess like a milder version of coming off heroin.

I got back to normal within a week or so and I went a couple of months without. And despite my previous experience, decided to have a one-off dose. Needless to say, the exact same circle of events happened!

They are a great buzz if one is strong willed enough to do them very occasionally, but if (like me) you have a slightly addictive personality, then treat with caution!

Exp Year: 2013ExpID: 100933
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 39
Published: May 10, 2019Views: 1,845
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Poppies - Opium (43) : Retrospective / Summary (11), Addiction & Habituation (10), Alone (16)

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