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Fresh Lunar Flowers Await
Morning Glory & Changa (Smoked MAOI & DMT)
Citation:   Lyvanna Druid. "Fresh Lunar Flowers Await: An Experience with Morning Glory & Changa (Smoked MAOI & DMT) (exp100938)". Nov 23, 2017.

    Morning Glory (liquid)
    smoked Changa (plant material)
Morning Glory Flower Essence and Changa

My methods are based on Mystical Sensory Perception… Intuition… and Guidance from the Plants themselves…

Method: Nightly Flower Essence
Duration: 1 Month ~ Full Moon to Full Moon
End: Light Changa Smoke in presence of plant on the last full moon

I have strong connection with plants, and I believe we all have this connection… We just need to develop it. This was one of the first steps I took to get into the same frequency as the plant.

From full moon to full moon I visited the Ipomoea purpurea, Morning Glory plant in my garden. Her flowers blossoms in the evening and thus every morning fresh lunar flowers awaits to be kissed by the sun. These flowers only last a day and thus they are very powerful.

Every morning I was guided to take anything from ~ to 7 flowers…
I would place these flowers in a bowl of water in the windowsill
In the evenings before I went to sleep I would drink this water

And so I did this for a month…

Note: I did not do this for psychedelic effects… but rather to get more in tune with the plant realm… Nonetheless… I felt how the plant became more and more a part of me and some times while listing to music and meditating on the plant I would receive the most beautiful visions <3

In 1 instance I was doing work with one of my medicine animals. A black and purple clown frog of the Amazonian regions…
She was leading me through the jungle… and then she disappeared in to the foliage… as I stepped through I came to a waterfall and a beautiful clear pool where Frog was waiting…. She jumped into the pool and swam underneath and through the waterfall.. I followed, Imitating the frogs style of swimming… and when I was on the other side of the waterfall I noticed that against the back wall of the cave was a vortex… Frog guided me inside and I was sucked in by a vortex… on the other side It was this deep dimensional pattern of large Morning glory flowers floating around on a background of black… I found myself tiny… Standing within the trumpet of the flower… I went deeper and deeper inside until I was in the stem of the flower… but I was not only within the stem… I was apart of the plant…. <3 I came out of the journey the way I went in and I knew then that the plant and I are connecting on deep levels….

This happened about half way in the method… and I had many more journeys like this when I consciously thought about the water I was drinking, the plant and my body…

Then the Finally:
On the Last Full Moon Eve I drank the flower essence… and then I while after that I Smoked a small bit of changa in my pipe…

I was lying by the windowsill where my flower essence has mad a home for the past month….

My body felt a bolt of energy from the heart… as if a connection was made… A entity started embracing me and this entity wanted to take me away… but I was a little bit afraid and ask this entity to show me who they are first… And then The Plant Spirit of Morning Glory made herself visible to me … She did not look humanoid… Only Large eyes represented something humanoid… The rest of her Looked like the plant herself… Her Head was the flower and the rest of her body was vines…. Swaying and dancing around beautifully… she told me that my journey with the plants are blessed and that she is always with me… She then laid on top of my body and merged into me like liquid into another liquid… My body jolted with energy again and again and then I started weeping with profound gratitude….

Bashar once said: What you eat also eats you…. Meaning that what you consume starts becoming a part of your body and mind….

Exp Year: 2012ExpID: 100938
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: 24
Published: Nov 23, 2017Views: 1,472
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Changa (816), Morning Glory (38) : Nature / Outdoors (23), Entities / Beings (37), Multi-Day Experience (13), Combinations (3), Alone (16)

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