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First Week - It Works
Citation:   Silver. "First Week - It Works: An Experience with Modafinil (exp101072)". Jun 24, 2020.

200 mg oral Modafinil (pill / tablet)
A few weeks ago I tried Adderall for the first time and found its effects amazing and in many ways it felt like it took all of my focus, random thoughts and more and put them into a spot light mixed with this rush of energy that was fun. Since then I explored finding it online to buy and clearly that is impossible or near impossible so it was time to explore alternatives.

Upon reading about the effects regarding Modafinil and finding it online I was very interested. It took me a while to find a source online I felt comfortable buying from and as a rule will only buy from a place that will accept a credit card since there is no way I am going to send a moneygram to Pakistan, as in one option.

So... I ordered a small batch of Modafinil and its basically same cousin Armodafinil from a website. I'm wary of any link in a post like this and don't believe it if you want but after researching all over and trying it out I know they are real.

DAY ONE: 200mg
So, I ordered some of each and it took only about 11 days to arrive from India. I tried 200mg at about 3pm. After a while I felt something but but was not overwhelming like Adderall. If it makes sense I tried to forget that I took it to try and temper any placebo effect but in time it was clear something what happening. It felt like all of the random thoughts in my head went down to only a few, everything seemed more clear and crisp and I felt that I was a better communicator and any sense of mental fatigue was eliminated. There was no rush like Adderall but honestly I like that since I don't want to get physically addicted to anything and I sensed that Adderall could easily do that.

That first night I found that any doubt I may have had of it working vanished when it was 2am and I was trying to sleep and was as wide awake as ever. However, in time I was able to go to sleep but what was interesting is that during the night when I turned over that brief bit of consciousness was also much more awake then it should have been but was able to sleep well.

DAY TWO: 200mg 8am / 200mg 12PM
In the morning I took 200mg at 8am and in about a half hour I was totally awake and felt no fatigue from the reduced sleep the night before. Felt much like it did the day previously but the interesting change is when I took the second dose at noon. The effects were then totally obvious and was more akin to Adderall but without the body rush. It was purely mental and I liked it a lot.

I had a tremendously productive work day and while I did have a bit of headache I am not sure if it was from the Modafinil or it if was from not eating or drinking too much. I need to lose some weight and have tried many things to control my appetite but nothing touches the effect that Modafinil has upon me. I'll touch more on this in the conclusion.

DAY THREE: 200mg 8am / 200mg 12PM
I slept only five hours the night before... Again. I had a very busy work day and felt no mental drain but could also tell my body was getting more tired. (not used to the feeling being separated)

Appetite was totally gone... And I had to remind myself to eat. This is what skinny people must feel like and oddly it really helped me make wiser food choices when I did 'make myself eat'. I really felt compelled to ensure that while I am pushing myself that I ensure my body has what it needs.

DAY FOUR: 200mg 8am
I decided to dial back the dose and may well in the future take the morning dose and 100mg at noon to ensure it goes longer and a little less intense.

Again a long but productive day and when I got home the now three nights of 5 hours of sleep (even when I was younger I couldn't do that) I was TIRED and when I looked in the mirror saw huge bags under my eyes and yet I am fully awake. Took me to 1am to finally go to sleep and today woke up at 9am and mostly feel fresh and good.

Modafinil is honestly amazing and I like the cleaner feel than Adderall but I have had to play with the dose to get the right effects. I MUST take care of your body and remind myself to eat and drink but the appetite suppression is amazing and I'm excited to see how it will affect my weight in a few months.

Today I am just having a lazy day and don't feel any withdrawal and honestly surprised I'm not more worn out. Actually every day, including today when I've not taken it, I just feel good.

Not having the mental drag of tiredness is a huge help and I really feel it makes me more charming and fluid in my conversations.

It is a serious drug but is a 'tool' that I'm curious of how it will effect my life in a few months. For now it is all good and it does work but finding the right dose is key.

Exp Year: 2013ExpID: 101072
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 38
Published: Jun 24, 2020Views: 1,605
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Modafinil (217) : Performance Enhancement (50), Multi-Day Experience (13), First Times (2), Various (28)

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