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Veins Growing Back Into The Chicken Made It Hard To Eat
Citation:   Melting world. "Veins Growing Back Into The Chicken Made It Hard To Eat: An Experience with 2C-B (exp101136)". Dec 1, 2017.

T+ 0:00
1 hit sublingual 2C-B (blotter / tab)
  T+ 0:15 4 hits smoked Cannabis (plant material)
  T+ 9:00 1 hit sublingual 2C-B (blotter / tab)
Time:4:00 pm

setting: Backseat of my red Nissan, parked out in a small isolated desert. The sun was shinning and everything was already bright. It was about ninety degrees outside that day.

Mind set: I was happy and have a great day with my bros so I had no doubt in my mind this would go great.

prescriptions: I have none.

Dosage: 45 mg of 2cb (Blotter)for me and 30 mg of 2cb (blotter)for p , four bowl packs of cannabis in a steamroller that was about a foot long.

4:15 pm- Fifteen minutes after squeezing the blotter down with the bottom of my tongue my mouth was numb. At this point I didn't feel much, My friend (p) said it was time to chew and swallow the blotter, so I did. I then proceeded to hit the cannabis more than a couple times.

4:30 pm- I decide to step out and take a leak, when I step out I instantly notice how bright everything was. The sand was so white I could of mistaken it for snow. When I got back to the car I could hear a small vibration, p could hear it to but the designated driver couldn't.

4:45 pm- Somehow the vibrating noise has grown louder and integrated into a a green color that was hovering about an inch over all the fabric in the car. At this point I could feel my body vibrating and I was twitching every once in a while.

5:00 pm- I was taken by surprise because a this point I was tripping and I was told 2cb was only colors, I also read online 2cb was a cross between lsd and molly but more like molly. It felt more like lsd. I had cevs and oevs. When I closed my eyes I saw patterns, when I opened them I could see different colors inside the colors that were normally there like little pixels that made up everything.

5:20 pm- I learned to manipulate the pixels with my mind, I played around with my new found abilities before we went to a friends house to fuck around for the rest of the trip. My brother was the designated driver who went home to find a solution for his munchies. After he left I got a feeling of insecurity and I started laughing about it for some reason. I thought he left me and I found my own demise funny. My trip really started to kick in at this point. The pixels started to shine light and everything looked beautiful. Not to mention I could see geometric shapes on the wall behind me (it was like all the little pixels were TVs that if put together correctly would all put into creating one whole image).

5:45 pm- My brother just picked me up and brought me home, when I stepped in I twitched and heard a snap. I opened my eyes to my vision being broken up into a kaleidoscope. We had some chicken in the house and I decided to try eating. I had some chicken which tasted super good to me. But when I looked down I was horrified to see the veins growing back into the meat. I haven't eaten chicken since.

6:15 pm- We went back out to pick up p. He was still tripping when we got there and was very excited to see us. my brother drove us around for a while while I remained seeing the pixels on everything. When We were driving it looked as if the ground was rising up and down, like the world was breathing. This made me feel at home for some odd reason. I even remember smiling at the ground and thanking it in my thoughts.

7:00 pm- We just finished driving around and we decided to go to the north end of the beach to smoke our last gram of weed. When it was my hit I cashed a whole entire bowl back with one hit because I couldn't fell the smoke hit my lounges. I then lay back and let the next hour pass while I watch colors of red and green jump before my eyes.

8:00 pm- I started to come down and I didn't feel bad. I actually felt very good and almost felt as if I accomplished something.

9:00 pm-I got home and had one last blotter with 2cb and decided to take it. I started tripping that the hard wood floors were water like liquids and things were growing big then shrinking (mostly the doors and when the doors expanded it looked as if the floor was being pushed out of the way.

9:30 pm- I put my hand up against the wall and after applying a small amount of pressure I saw writing burn into my skin and on the wall creating a symbol. I forgot what the symbol looked like but I remember seeing it a few days after my trip on TV. After this I came to the conclusion that all drugs were put on this earth as things. And then I made the connection that corn was a thing. And if corns a thing and drugs are things then (universally speaking) <-(I don't know if that's something people say I came up with it on acid) everything's a thing, and that means you cant label things as drugs. Either everything's a drug or nothing is. And then I backed up my thought when a voice in my head said, 'everything has effects on the human body'. So if people say corn isn't a drug, than neither are 'drugs'.

10:00 I close my eyes to see some more cevs.

I don't remember anything after this, I just woke up and it was morning.

Trip reflection: I had a really good time, the substance made me feel happy and energetic but at the same time had a major psychedelic component to it. I'd do it again anytime but would rather try other things first. This is a powerful substance and could be easily miss used, in a way I think I went overboard on it. I felt unsettled the next day because when I did mushrooms I felt as if I was one with the world and almost a spiritual experience on them. On 2cb I looked at myself and the world as two different beings and could more easily compare how I felt and the atmosphere created to being in a movie. This is a chemical drug made by humans and I think that may have something to do with it but I cant confirm that as a cause.

Exp Year: 2013ExpID: 101136
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 22
Published: Dec 1, 2017Views: 1,162
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2C-B (52) : General (1), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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