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Grungy Sensation and Strange Dreams
Amanita muscaria & Cannabis
Citation:   planetectonics. "Grungy Sensation and Strange Dreams: An Experience with Amanita muscaria & Cannabis (exp10127)". Aug 19, 2004.

T+ 0:00
5.0 g oral Amanitas - A. muscaria (dried)
  T+ 1:35 1 hit smoked Cannabis (plant material)
5:30 pm: Consumed one (1) capsule of Sylibum Marianum (milk thistle)

5:35 pm: I began to prepare the Muscaria caps for consumption. The caps were previously separated from the gills and stems by exacto blade. They had been semi-dried when I received them, so they were put in a toaster oven at 175 degrees F for approximately twenty (20) minutes. The material was then put to the coffee grinder until it was reduced to a fine yellow powder. The powder (10g), was then added to two (2) cups of distilled water that had been brought to a simmer. Killed the heat and let steep for approximately ten minutes, stirring twice.

6:10 pm: There were two of us, myself and my girlfriend. She drank one (1) cup, and the same for me. Both containers were refilled with water and consumed to clean up any material left behind.

7:20 pm: Being our first attempt with this particular substance, we opted not to smoke any cannibis until we were sure that the ball was rolling. Well, it was, and it was delightful. My head was filled with cotton balls and there was a pleasant distortion of my visual field. We smiled and pointed at each other with giddiness. I doubt we could have stood on one foot for more than ten seconds.

7:45 pm: At this point we had not yet experienced any stomach discomfort or nausea. The effects being slight and playful, we decided to smoke some pot, one draw was enough.

7:55 pm: Uh-oh. This was beginning to feel a little frightening. The body buzz began to take on a “grungy” sensation and I began to wonder if I had done something I might regret very soon. When the discomfort came over me I began to panic a bit and some waves of nausea rolled across my body and made me shiver. At one point I thought I was going to lose consciousness. My head was heavy and tired, but my body was juiced and able, I just couldn’t lay still and give in to it. My girlfriend lay down and entered a hypnogogic state, not wanting to respond to me calling her name.

8:30-9:00pm(approx.): I had finally regained control of my thoughts, I lay on the bed with the covers pulled over my face. I wondered if I could just walk out of my body and lay it to waste. I could feel my energy/life-force “gripping” me somewhere around my sternum and letting my “feet” or ends dangle over a cyclone or vacuum of…….well, something. I “came out of it”, this trance state I had been in, and I slowly coaxed my girl awake and asked her how she was feeling. She began a wild-eyed description of the vivid dreams she had just experienced. She claimed her dreams (I want to kick myself in the ass for not noting them in one fashion or another) involved the two of us trying to find each other, and I was calling out to her. She said that within the dream she was fully aware that she had ingested the Muscaria, and the whole environment was a hallucination.

10:00-11:00pm: The effects began to taper off, and we did not experience the noted burst of energy that some encounter. It was mostly a period of retrospective thought, and I felt very keen to my surroundings, quick to answer questions or process information. Next time I am going to attempt to ingest 7-10g. I enjoyed the experience regardless of the hump near the beginning, and I believe there are some useful visions/revelations to be obtained from this ally. Yet I can't help but think about the possibility that I may be dragged through hell if I am not cautious.

NOTE: *She uses Celexa, an SSRI. (you make the call.)
*It was friday, and the mindset between the two of
us couldn't have been better('luvee-duvee' and such)
*The phones were unplugged and the house was immaculate.

Spiral out...keep going.

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 10127
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Aug 19, 2004Views: 17,003
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Amanitas - A. muscaria (70) : General (1), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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