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Peaceful and Content
Gotu Kola
Citation:   JuicyGinseng. "Peaceful and Content: An Experience with Gotu Kola (exp101474)". Jun 24, 2020.

1.5 - 2 Tbsp oral Gotu Kola (tea)
Gotu kola tea has a very calming, relaxing and sedating effect on me. I am an 18 year old male who has experience with Cannabis, Mushrooms, LSD, MDMA, Ketamine, Adderall and a variety of herbs. I consider my lifestyle balanced and overall healthy. I practice an ancient Chinese health exercise called Qigong daily. I eat a balanced diet and am physically active, and in a good mood most days. Sometimes though, I do get small cases of social anxiety and irritability, and this is when Gotu Kola comes in handy.

I use approximately one and a half to two tablespoons of loose Gotu Kola and 2 cups of water to make one dose of tea.

Hot Brew: I boil 2 cups of water and steep the herb for about 10 minutes. This is a good method to use if I do not have a lot of time to make a cold brew, and still effective.

Cold brew: The same amount is steeped for an hour to two hours in 2 cups of cold water. I have found this method makes a more potent tea. The effects stay about the same, they are just slightly stronger. I use this method to get the most out of low quality Gotu Kola.

I relate the effects of Gotu Kola to a very low dose of valium, only Gotu Kola has a more whole and complete feeling, with none of the mental fog that valium can have. Seconds after I take the first sip of a cup of Gotu Kola tea, a subtle sense of calm and cozyness envelops my body and mind. The effects then grow to a nice, but not too strong or overpowering feeling of relaxation and sedation. If taken at night these sedative effects are more present, but never to the point where it forces me to sleep. It generates an overall sense of being peaceful and content. I am able to listen to music and just enjoy how content I feel. It is perfectly subtle. I never feel “intoxicated” or “stoned” after drinking Gotu Kola, simply relaxed, peaceful. Although sedating, I can take Gotu Kola any time in the day and not feel overly tired or lazy. The main effects last about an hour and a half, with a nice after glow lasting a few hours slowly reaching base line. Once I drank a couple cups right before bed, and woke up feeling more energized and happy than I usually am in the morning.

It is also useful for uncomfortable comedowns from various drugs. On several occasions I have drank it during recreational use amphetamine come-downs. Gotu Kola greatly assists in getting rid of how mentally uncomfortable and slightly depressed I can be while coming down from amphetamines.

Sometimes I have mild social anxiety, and can tense up in social situations. If I drink a cup of Gotu Kola tea, I am able to release my tense shoulder muscles and not feel uncomfortable. I am then able to calmly listen to what people are saying, and speak when necessary, instead of interjecting awkwardly in the conversation.

I have noticed a slight tolerance develop, when I first started drinking it the effects were much more pronounced, and now have slightly lessened. I now drink it about twice a week. A small break of a few days helps my tolerance lower to the point where I can enjoy it more fully.

Gotu Kola is a valuable herb for unwinding after a long day, and for situations in which I can become potentially anxious or irritated. I plan to keep using this herb, as it greatly benefits me.

Exp Year: 2013ExpID: 101474
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 18
Published: Jun 24, 2020Views: 1,683
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Gotu Kola (238) : Therapeutic Intent or Outcome (49), Retrospective / Summary (11), Various (28)

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