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A Fairly Gentle Come Down
4-AcO-DMT, Alcohol & Cannabis
by sydd
Citation:   sydd. "A Fairly Gentle Come Down: An Experience with 4-AcO-DMT, Alcohol & Cannabis (exp101499)". Jun 20, 2021.

T+ 0:00
  repeated oral Alcohol
  T+ 2:15   oral 4-AcO-DMT
  T+ 2:30   repeated smoked Cannabis
  T+ 5:15   inhaled Nitrous Oxide
Fear And Loathing In Houston

First off, a little background on myself. I am no stranger to strange substances. I have been a heavy cannabis user for about 13 years, I am quite familiar with LSD, LSA, mushrooms, mescaline, N,N-DMT, 2C-B, 2C-I, 2C-E, 2C-P, 25-I, DOC, DOB, MDMA, MDA, methylone, cocaine, opiates, benzos, alcohol and nitrous oxide.

My night began at my friend D’s house. I was having some drinks, smoking some weed and hanging out with D and a couple other friends. We ended up going to our usual club. It was about 12:30am when we arrived and it wasn’t very crowded. We ran into our friends R and her boyfriend E and their friends S and J.

Had given me a capsule containing a white powdery substance he said was 4-acO-DMT. I took it at around 1:45am. At around 2am S and J asked me if I had papers and if I could roll them a joint since they were both WAY too messed up to do it. S was tripping incredibly hard and J was rolling. We walked a couple blocks to S’s car and I twisted up a couple joints. S insisted we walk around downtown at 2am and smoke. I was just starting to feel the effects of the 4-acO. I felt incredibly sketched out walking around the city with two guys decked out in tie dye, neon and glowsticks that are incredibly twisted on drugs, just blocks away from the county jail and downtown courthouse, but at the same time I felt like these guys kind of needed me. They kept asking me for advice on how to handle the situation with R and E. The only answer I could come up with was “people in relationships argue and have differences sometimes.”

I then started thinking about my own relationship. My girlfriend and I had been having some problems. I started to feel really uncomfortable and anxious. After we finished smoking we went back inside the club. I found N and told him what was going on. He asked if I was tripping yet and if it was any good. “Starting too, but too early to tell” I told him. He had been tempted to trip but had stuff to do the next day so he just decided to keep an eye on me.

I ran into S and J again and they kept wanting me to help them do deals. I was trying to be helpful but I just felt so sketched out I had to go sit somewhere by myself so I could gather my thoughts. I sat on a bench inside this little cave by the pool tables. When I looked at the floor, all the glow paint and glowstick juice covering the walls, ceiling and floor began to look wavy and started melting and swirling around. It reminded me of the scene in Fear and Loathing when Thompson is in the hotel bar on acid. “impossible to walk in this muck, no footing at all” I thought to myself and started to laugh. Some girl sat down on the bench next to me. “whats so funny?” she asked. I froze. I’ve never been able to explain why psychedelic drugs make me so terrified of normal human interaction. When I’m tripping I can’t talk to people I don’t know unless they are also tripping. Finally I managed to say “I'm not exactly sure yet but when I find out I’ll let you know.” She gave me a really weird look and I took that as my cue to escape this conversation. I got up to go find N but was quickly distracted by the people giving lightshows. After getting a few lightshows I checked my phone. It was about 3am and I noticed my girlfriend had called and texted me. She sounded upset when I told her where I was and what I was doing but I reassured her that I was ok and that I would be safe. After a while of wandering around the club not really knowing what to do with myself, I found myself sitting back in the cave. I remember looking out the cave toward the entrance to the main room. The people walking in and out of the main room kept syncing up with the music, lasers and strobe lights. The DJs were spinning mostly electro and dubstep all night but for some reason I kept hearing trap beats playing all night long.

The club was much more crowded now than when we arrived and I was starting to get anxious again. I kept moving around from room to room. I didn’t want to stay in one spot too long because I was feeling paranoid. I was worried about getting caught up with S and J since they were so out there and being really sloppy with everything and there is always under covers and narcs at these kinds of places. I kept thinking about my relationship problems with my girlfriend and I felt like there was just too much going on at this place.

Finally I found N and asked if he was ready to go. We left the club around 4am. When we got into my car I still felt this incredible body high, similar to that of mescaline, but the visuals had stopped. [Erowid Note: Driving while intoxicated, tripping, or extremely sleep deprived is dangerous and irresponsible because it endangers other people. Don't do it!] The drive home was a bit hazy but N said I was driving perfectly straight. We decided to stop by a 24 hour smokeshop and got a box of whip its. When we got back to my house it was about 4:45am. As soon as we got home my visuals came back and came back even stronger. Alot of closed and open eyed visuals. The closed eye visuals were similar to DMT and mescaline with lots of fractals and kaleidoscopic patterns. The open eyed visuals were somewhat similar to LSD, wavy, melty and fluid.

The whip its made it even more intense but I was enjoying the trip a lot more now that I was at home in a more comfortable setting much better suited for tripping.
I was enjoying the trip a lot more now that I was at home in a more comfortable setting much better suited for tripping.
Finally N went to bed around 6am. I was still wide awake and tripping pretty hard. I decided to light some incense and get lost in my thoughts. I thought about all the things that were making me anxious before and rather than letting these things get to me I confronted them and tried to better understand these feelings. I felt like I could fix just about anything as long as I had a good strategy and the motivation to do it. My girlfriend started texting me again around 7:30 am and I told her about what I was experiencing. She wanted me to come pick her up but I explained that I probably should not drive. I told her to give me a few hours to come down first. I decided to take a shower. After I got out of the shower I was still tripping pretty good so I decided to eat something. I had a taco. It was like tasting a taco for the first time again. I couldn’t believe how satisfying this taco was. I felt like I subconsciously knew how much I was going to enjoy it when I put it in the refrigerator the day before.

The rain outside and the ambience of the house made me feel so relaxed and at peace with my mind. Finally around 11:30am I began to come down. It was a fairly gentle come down. I was a little sore but my head felt ok and I was ready to sleep. N got a ride home and my girlfriend found a ride over so I didn’t have to go pick her up. We lay in bed for a while and fell asleep for a few hours. I woke up at about 4pm feeling recharged and alive. I felt like I had grown as a person as a result of my experience.

All in all it was a positive experience. Of all the RC’s I’ve tried, 4-acO-DMT reminded me more of LSD than any of the others. It wasn’t as “introspective” or “enlightening” as LSD but those qualities were definitely present more so than my experience with other RC’s and I feel like if I would have had less to distract me I could have made better use of those qualities. I would definitely like to try this again only next time it will be outside of a club/party setting.

Exp Year: 2013ExpID: 101499
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 27
Published: Jun 20, 2021Views: 485
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4-AcO-DMT (387) : First Times (2), Combinations (3), Club / Bar (25)

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