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A Conduit for Sound and Light
Citation:   TheAmazingAnnika. "A Conduit for Sound and Light: An Experience with Methoxetamine (exp101530)". Jun 6, 2016.

T+ 0:00
50 mg insufflated Methoxetamine (powder / crystals)
  T+ 1:10 60 mg insufflated Methoxetamine (powder / crystals)
MXE Hole

After receiving a gram of MXE from a friend as a pick my up during a divorce, I had made every effort to use it responsibly. As a regular on the [ ] #drugs channel, I was familiar with what people talked about in terms of ketamine and MXE holes. I had tried a small dose the first night, then a larger dose the second night. I felt confident that I could handle a hole and that it would be more of the dizziness, numbness and general sensations of disconnection. What I was unprepared for was the total immersion into a new world that I experienced.

10:20p - I dosed initially with 50mg. I had already cut another 60mg to be prepared to hole out and that I would be more likely to correctly dose if things were already prepped. As per usual I was on #drugs and on TinyChat with friends. I also had my phone with me so I could skype a friend who was versed in dissociatives. I took the first 50mg and waited about an hour for my next dose. Things were going as I expected. I recall telling a friend that I felt the top third of my brain disconnecting from the rest and starting to lift off. I continued having no problems with typing and carrying on conversations with friends. I experienced initial body tingles followed by parts of my body becoming increasingly numb or less responsive. But my hands and fingers were completely under my control. I had felt that the only things I could control were my brain and my hands/fingers and that there was a connective link that held them protected from the drug while everything else became numb.

10:40p - I began to skype with a friend and was hearing many changes in pitch and cadence of words. His voice sounded very foreign and far away. There was static in the call as well. As I have called him tons of times on skype, I knew that it was just the MXE affecting how I was hearing things. In the call, I began to hear him moving as though his phone was moving farther from his mouth.

11:30p - I dosed the second half of my MXE and was very glad the next day that I had already prepped it. I still had control of my hands and fingers but my head was less cooperative. I remember having to reposition the straw several times because the spacial relationship between my hands and actual head were not working well.

12:20a - I was having a hard time actually sitting at the computer so I said goodnight to everyone except my friend on skype. I laid down and was having intense auditory changes. His voice was now sounding like an old time radio. It was lilting and upbeat. There was static and I heard a few commercials but nothing that stood out in my mind. It was like when he would take a minute to be quiet, a commercial would play. I felt very robotic at this point and told him numerous times that I had become a robot. In my mind, I wasn't even a robot, more like a part of a conduit for sound and light. I had a strong taste of metal in my mouth. So naturally, I assumed I was a machine of some sort.

1:00a - I asked three other friends to call me. I was still having no issues with texting them to contact me but I wanted to hear what they sounded like. All sounded like old radio programs. My visuals were fantastic and strange. I remember my skin changing color, pink to purple to blue. It was an overall shade of a different color. I saw my hands sprout extra fingers and the fingers would be offshoots of my actual fingers. I thought in my mind that I was actually a machine, able to extend parts of my body unnaturally like hydraulics. I also had times where I would look back at my hands and arms and they would be fluid. They formed unnatural curves and my fingers twisted into S shapes. But when I would look away and glance again, they would change shape again.

1:35a - By this time, I had spoken to several people and they all assured me they believed I had changed into a machine. I was not in control of any part of my body aside from the hands and arms. I had difficult speaking and my hands and arms were moving more of their own accord. I continued to lay in bed and the sheets felt like sandpaper on my skin.

2:00a - My friend skyped me once more to make sure I was still doing fine and I informed him I was going to power down and recharge.

The overall experience was much more psychedelic than I was prepared for.
The overall experience was much more psychedelic than I was prepared for.
I had assumed from my previous experiences that I would simply lose control of my body and be able to lay and experience quiet thoughts in my head or take the journey there. In reality, it was more of a shutdown of most of my body and feeling like a conduit for music, sound, color and speech. It was still a wonderful trip and look forward to trying other similar drugs such as ketamine to be able to compare and contrast.

Exp Year: 2013ExpID: 101530
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: 29
Published: Jun 6, 2016Views: 1,981
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Methoxetamine (527) : Alone (16), General (1)

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