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A Lot Stronger and a Lot Harder
by Ant
Citation:   Ant. "A Lot Stronger and a Lot Harder: An Experience with Ketamine (exp101603)". Apr 15, 2018.

2 lines insufflated Ketamine (powder / crystals)
  125 mg insufflated Ketamine (powder / crystals)
  125 mg insufflated Ketamine (powder / crystals)
Serenity in Special K
I started to wonder about Ketamine after I tried shrooms, LSD, MDMA, bk-MDMA, and nitrous oxide. My friend who has already tried it calls me and says to get over his house ASAP because our other frind is selling K. I tell him I want a 1/2 gram and I head over. I pay $45 for the K and break out 2 small lines, approximately 25mg each and snort them both in his basement. Note that I feel completely comfortable in the setting I'm in and my mind is in the right place to have a good experience.

The full effects are felt in about 5 minutes. I feel numb and tingly all over my entire body and went into a lethargic mind state. I also noticed my mood changed drastically, as I have severe anxiety but had no anxiety what so ever on K. We sat in my friends basement and I watched them both go into K-holes. After an hour and a half goes by I drive home and go right to my room. I weigh out 250mg and split it into 2 lines. I snort the 1st and sit down at my computer, I turn on a playlist, then snort the other line. K didn't burn or hurt my nose as much as I thought it would and I found out a few days later the reason for that was there was no cut. As I sit at my PC I notice the effects I felt at my friends coming on, but a lot stronger and a lot harder. As I'm sitting at my PC I notice my whole body is going numb and 10 minutes later I cannot feel anything, completely numb at this point. I reliaze I cant feel myself breathing and start to panic. I keep reminding myself what I had just done so I dont have a full blown pnic attack and then remember laying down might help. I get up to walk 3 feet to my bed and I can barley walk. It was almost like being extremely drunk but without my world spinning. I lay in my bed and then notice my walls and ceiling are 'shifting' places. My anxiety diminishes as I start feeling a overwhelming sense that everything was going to be ok, I was going to be ok, my life was going to be ok. As Im laying in my bed I slowly start to feel as if Im free falling or going into a deep K-hole. I close my eyes and the feeling intensifys to were it feels as if Im floating out of my body. About an hour later I start to come out of the hole. For about 2 hours after I snorted the 2 lines I felt groggy but almost refreshed. When the effects wore off completely I had no craving for the drug but have deep love and respect for Ketamine

Exp Year: 2013ExpID: 101603
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 22
Published: Apr 15, 2018Views: 1,279
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Ketamine (31) : General (1), First Times (2), Difficult Experiences (5), Various (28)

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