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Lizards Bourbon and the American Dream
Allylescaline, DPT, LSD & Various
Citation:   my3rdi. "Lizards Bourbon and the American Dream: An Experience with Allylescaline, DPT, LSD & Various (exp101611)". Dec 2, 2016.

20 mg oral Allylescaline (capsule)
    repeated oral Alcohol  
  0.5 oral Cannabis (edible / food)
      Cannabis (extract)
  2 hits   LSD  
  3 lines insufflated Cocaine (plant material)
  75 mg oral DPT (capsule)
  1 line insufflated 4-Fluoroamphetamine (powder / crystals)
  15 mg oral MET (powder / crystals)
I'll never forget the first time I watched Fear & Loathing in Las Vegas. I was a freshman in college, and while tripping on mushrooms, someone put it on. My tripped out mind couldn't handle it. I had to walk out 20 minutes into it.

Flash forward a few years, and many psychedelic experiences later, and I began to fully fathom the genius of it. The insanely hilarious nature of it, the genius of Hunter S. Thompson in his writing, and his extremely fucked up/dark sense of humor. I knew some odd time ago, if I ever made it to Vegas, I'd have to take in this sort of experience. I'd want the unadulterated madness of the hot fucking sinful town to absorb me and spit me out like the heathen I am.

It was about five weeks ago, the dream became a reality. Flight booked, one of my favorite bands playing two nights, tickets purchased. Infamous hotel - booked. Everything fell into place like glistening drops of rain on a nature walk after a vicious storm. With anticipation, I waited, and waited. I procured what I wanted to bring. New drugs, old drugs, and an attitude of reckless abandon. Allylescaline, and DPT both recently acquired and trialed, I brought them with me. I weighed out 150mg of DPT, 15mg of MET, and 20mg of Allylescaline. The Allylescaline, I kept on me, the MET and DPT, safely secured in my luggage. Having known what these can do, and knowing I fully wanted to run into the middle of a casino at some point diving and cursing at golf shoes, I took the necessary measures to bring them with me. Knowing the ole favorites of LSD, mushrooms, cocaine, and weed, would also be there. I knew the arsenal was fully packed and prepared. My buddy S1, and I met at my place, and took the train to the airport.

I decided to carry on my bag. For two reasons, 1) Airport security is extremely incompetent and 2) I wanted the allylescaline on hand. To my knowledge, only two things happen in airport bathrooms, homosexual encounters with Republican senators and shits. I decided to opt for option 3. I dosed the allylescaline. I returned to our table. We ordered a bloody and waited on the flight to open up so we could board and take our seats. There are few things I enjoy more than the anticipation of psychedelic drugs first thing in the morning.

The beauty of allylescaline is that it's creepy just like mescaline. I ETA'd 2 hours to kick into my system. It was about right.
I ETA'd 2 hours to kick into my system. It was about right.
During the flight, and after a few beers. I noticed a slight internal warmth, and I could feel a slight vibration. I was worried about the nausea, it wasn't ever an issue though. The flight got interesting really quick. As I took to internal navigation. We eventually landed. I could feel the onset of the peak. We managed to snag a bottle of Makers' Mark at the airport liquor store. Talking was getting really hard. I was sweating fucking bullets.

We caught a cab to the MGM and we checked into the hotel. I poured a strong makers' and ginger. We hit the casino. Gambling and psychedelic drugs- horrible idea. I had the attention span of an unborn fetus. My eyes were darting everywhere. Taking in all the visual eye candy. We eventually made our way over to the Hard Rock, and met up with the rest of our friends. My friend, G, hands me a tums, dosed with acid, and warns me, it's super strong, and to maybe start with 1/2. fuck it, I eat the whole thing. He's also got medical cookies. fuck it, I eat 1/2 one of those.

What's that? You've got butane hash oil too? Why not. I tell G about the game plan. Halftime - we're gonna do some DPT. We'd split 75mg.

As we enter the hotel hall, the carpet looks like the jizzesm of Hunter S Thompson. There's enough vibrating colors, that I can see the waves of movement, with each step and stride of all of us walking. I keep thinking, I am comfortably tripping face. We somehow survive the madness of the elevator and the 15 minute walk from one of the towers to the Joint.

Holy Fuck. The madness of the casino is too much. I keep seeing souls melting out of the carpet. Whispering of sonic layers and proportions. I try to order a beer inside, I got a whiskey drink. Did I really order that? I thought he heard me, fuck it, it's all the same on the inside anyway.

Dirty Dozen is solid as an opener, and they come out for four songs for set one of Panic's first set. We take the stroll back to the room. DPT consumed. Ah, the familiar drip that hints at the downward rabbit hole that is to come shortly.

DPT is the perfect drug for Vegas. It has no mercy, it hits instantly, and I can't fight the ride, no matter how much terror resigns within me. Is that an elevator or the mouth of a jester trying to swallow me?
Is that an elevator or the mouth of a jester trying to swallow me?
Fuck it, into the belly. the DPT is peaking by the time we get back to the joint.

Set II was a psychedelic orgasm. Visuals and visions everywhere. Panic on a UFO, then the jungle, then the inner banks of my mind.

Post show, we stormed the Hard Rock casino. And proceeded to burn the fucking joint down.

I ran into an old buddy of mine post show, he hands me a breath mint, and tells me to eat up. I look down, and decide I will save this for later.

I'm not sure how the decision came to be, but sometime between 5-6am Saturday morning, I find myself at a bar drinking white russians tucked into the Hard Rock Casino. The group consensus. Play through. I reach for the breath mint, and get handed a single tab too. Around 7am, I decide the Hard Rock has drawn it's course for now. I decide to take a walk.

Early morning Vegas is everything a spunion could want. Incredible people watching, tons of visual stimulation. And enough sleaze to warrant a raised level of awareness that at any moment I could be robbed, stabbed, or even sodomized. I decided at some point that I might as well make the 3.5 mile walk back to the MGM. The MGM is still popping. I wander, find a bar. grab a whiskey drink. It's about 830am. Perfect. Bacon and Bourbon, I hit up a quick breakfast bar. tasty.

My buddy S2 calls me, 'get your ass back to the Hard Rock, pool is about to open.'

I make my way up to my room. Fuck. Key isn't working. Wait. is it 25-xx1 or 26-xx1? (room edited out for anonymity purposes.) Which room? Shit, it's 25, and I'm on 26. Okay. Down one floor.

Fuck. 25-xx1 isn't working either. Down to the lobby. Ask the front desk.

'you'll have to call your friend, S1 and get him to let you into the room'

FUCK. I go back to 25-xx1, try again. I beat the door, like a pimp acknowledging his lying ass hoe is hiding from him. silence, nothing. Shit. I'm slightly panting, the fucking carpet is swirling, will I fall into it? Shit. Try the front desk again.

Okay, in. new key for 25-xx1. I see my buddy S1 passed out. Nice. I grab my suit. Head back to the front door, snag a cab, and back to the Hard Rock. I find my friends, at the same bar I left them at. We grab another cocktail. And hit the pool.

Now, I've never heard of Rehab. It's the name of the pool party held every Saturday at the Hard Rock. Apparently it's a big fucking deal. The security to get into this, was the tightest I have ever seen for any event.

Holy Jersey Shore. $15 cocktails. Hair Gel, fake tits, and attitude. Holy fuck... did that building just melt. Is that my heart pounding or the untz from the Asian DJ throwing down remixed tracks of Nirvana. Despite the environment. We had a good time. Pool side, with the nicest fake tits, paying for over priced drinks all day. I wouldn't ever do it again, but it was worth it one time. I saw a woman jump in the water, and then her fake tits float down stream. Fucking amazing. We took a couple trips back to the room to partake in some indoor skiing.

Finally, time to exit the pool party and get ready for the show. We drop again. Why not? I haven't slept since Thursday evening (the anticipation of the trip kept me up). Boom. Hit the show again.

Not gonna lie, at this juncture. It gets pretty blurry. I don't remember the show that well.

After the show we ended up partying with some dude that had some 4-fa, which is a synthetic amphetamine. He suggests cutting it with coke. Why not? We do that. Back down to the bars in the Hard Rock.

At some point (between 4-5am), I decide to go for a walk again.

At some later point, I find myself wandering this casino. I keep looking for the elevator to my tower. After several laps around this casino. I ask someone, 'hey - which way to the east tower?'

'there is no east tower?'


'there is no east tower, this is a one floor facility'

'this isn't the mgm?'


'best way to get there?'

[blank look from the guy]

'a cab'

I find my way out of this fucking labyrinth. Grab a cab, and get dropped off at the MGM. I found my room. I tried to sleep, but I was so spun out, I just laid there seeing visuals everywhere. Eventually after 3-4 hours, I get up. My vision has returned to 'reasonably normal' in order words just mild tracers.

We have to check out as we only booked the MGM for two nights. We head over to the cosmo. Check in, grab some food. And finally, rest. I pass out for a while. Rally, start drinking, and gamble for a few hours, before we grab dinner, and dinner is the nail in the coffin. The dreaded food coma finally knocks me out. I sleep from 9pm-8am. We catch our flight home. Monday and yesterday, I still felt super out of it. Today is slightly better.

Post Trip notes:
The synergy of these substances was near perfect in my opinion. DPT and Allylescaline have a beautiful energy together. DPT along with LSD is also very interesting and powerful. I consumed the MET at some point on Saturday. I was very introverted for a prolonged period at the pool party.

I also had a small taste of what was suppose to be MDMA on Friday evening. I didn't really notice any effect from it though. I also had a small taste (less than a gram) of mushrooms late on Saturday evening. Little to no effect on me though.

Exp Year: 2013ExpID: 101611
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 28
Published: Dec 2, 2016Views: 2,404
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Allylescaline (573), DPT (21), LSD (2) : Multi-Day Experience (13), Combinations (3), Various (28)

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