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Amitriptyline (Elavil)
Citation:   Snoops. "Snapshots: An Experience with Amitriptyline (Elavil) (exp102292)". Erowid.org. Jun 3, 2021. erowid.org/exp/102292

T+ 0:00
350 mg oral Pharms - Amitriptyline (pill / tablet)
  T+ 0:30 350 mg oral Pharms - Amitriptyline (pill / tablet)
This report needs to start a few hours before the experience I had.

I had woke up at around 12 pm on a Saturday, I was a Senior in high school and it was prom night but I decided not to go because I wasn't about that life. Looking back on it, I should have gone to prom. I was getting ready to join the military so I was staying clean from weed and other substances that had a long detection time, but this day I wanted to get high, and I was sitting on my front porch as my sister walked up and she was acting a little screwy so I asked her what was up. My sister and I were very close at the time and we liked doing drugs together so she told me 'Well, I smoked some weed and took 7 of my 50mg amitriptyline and the combo is making me trip a little, I'm seeing bugs and stuff.' While she was talking she was slapping at the imaginary bugs and I was getting a good laugh out of it, so I asked 'Mind if I get 7 of those off you?' While my sister and I were very experienced with drugs but usually I researched things before I gave them a first try, I really wish I would have this time, but learn from your mistakes I guess. My sister gave me 7 of her pills but I decided to wait until later to take them so I could accompany her to our dealer/friends house and also my girlfriend was coming over and I wanted to spend time with her while sober. This is where the second part of the story comes in.

It's about 7pm and my girlfriend had gone home, my sister chugged a bottle of Robitussin and we decided it was time to go to our dealers/friends house. We'll call him T. Before we left I popped the 7 pills but waited a half hour to see if I'd feel anything, I told my sister I wasn't so she gave me 7 more and I decided to pop those too. We then set out on the 30 minute walk to T's house. About 20 minutes into the walk I became extremely tired. My mind was extremely cloudy and I told my sister I really wanted to go to sleep, it was about 8 pm now and she said that's fine just walk with me the rest of the way you'll be able to sleep there. I agreed and finished the walk. By the time we got to T's I was exhausted, my limbs felt like lead weights attached to my joints and I was extremely weak, I got inside, sat in a chair, and put my head on my hand to prop it up. This is the last memory I can fully remember. The rest of it are in snapshots like a roll of film and from what my sister told me I was doing. About 10 minutes after I fell asleep I fell out of my chair and started convulsing violently, then I stopped, fell asleep and my sister said I'd stop breathing so her and T would wake me up, I'd come to, then pass back out and stop breathing again. My sister said this went on for about 2to hours before I finally managed to stay awake. This is where I start remembering things. I saw a weird green glow around the room and saw shimmering figures like spirits around the room, at around 1am my sister decided to try and walk us both home, unfortunately I was completely fucked and my sister took some more Robitussin that night so she wasn't able to control me very well. While walling down the street about 3 minutes away from T's house I got a little out of hand. I was acting like a complete child, babbling nonsense and I proceeded to slap my sisters ass because I thought she was my girlfriend. Then as we walked down the street I kept wandering off into peoples lawns and trying to open their doors and I actually managed to get into a couple peoples backyards before my sister put the leash back on me and took me back to the street. As I was attempting to get into a locked car a couple people saw and came over to protect their property but my sister explained to them that I was not in the right state of mind and that iI was really not a threat to anyone at the moment. We realized there was no way to make it back home without getting caught by the cops or something akin to they so we went back to T's house. At this point I remember snapshots of a couple people trying to help me out by giving me cigarettes, but I'd just throw the cigarette across the room and go back to smoking a phantom one that I hallucinated I was smoking. I picked up an empty bucket and tried to drink water out of it. At this point I was starting to become myself again and was able to think slightly like a regular human again. It felt like a very thick fog was wrapped around my brain so I decided that sleep was the best option. I have no idea when I went to sleep but I did and woke up at 11around am the next morning with no recollection of the night before. It wasn't until days after that I was able to recollect the snapshots of what had happened.

I woke up at 11am and my sister asked if I was alright. I was extremely groggy, very depressed, and felt like shit, but after my sister told me about how I'd stop breathing and flailing around on the floor I decided that was a much better feeling than what could have happened. For 3 days afterwards I could not get an erection, and ever since that night I have random bouts of depression, paranoia and anxiety, I can't tell if it's all the other drugs I've done since then or that night but I damn well know I'll never touch antidepressants or anything akin to amitriptyline again. I was terrified by it and don't want to test those waters again. I still abuse drugs but I always research them before I try them, and also I have cut down a lot. That experience was 2 years ago.

On a side note, in a fit of idiocy my sister is prone to she saw how I reacted on her meds so she decided to drop 14 50mg pills also. She reported the same ectoplasmic effects and shining spirit like blobs in the room with her except she actually talked to them before she was unable to function. She kept passing out and being unable to breath just like me, except my mother kept waking her up and my mother also reported her heart was racing at least twice as fast as usual.

Exp Year: 2012ExpID: 102292
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 18
Published: Jun 3, 2021Views: 1,247
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Pharms - Amitriptyline (165) : Various (28), Second Hand Report (42), Hangover / Days After (46), Families (41), Health Problems (27), Difficult Experiences (5), First Times (2)

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