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Late to the Party
Citation:   shiro_. "Late to the Party: An Experience with 5-MeO-EiPT (exp102363)". Feb 2, 2016.

T+ 0:00
9 mg oral 5-MeO-EIPT
  T+ 0:00   repeated smoked Cannabis
  T+ 8:00 1   Alcohol - Beer/Wine
The players:
M: Your host for the evening. While not recently in the habit of using many psychedelics, I have tried pretty much all easily available ones and many that are not easily available. I’ve tripped around 100 times and am pretty comfortable in all states of being. I’d been smoking weed and drinking for the past few days, my last drug other than that was some 4-FA at a show a few weeks ago.

I tried smoking some 5-MeO-EiPT early in the week but felt nothing due to me burning it. My last actual psychedelic experience was a test of a batch of 2C-B that I had recently synthesized (I’m a chemistry major), around Thanksgiving, before that it was HOT-7 during the summer. I should have no tolerance. Taking 9 mg of 5-MeO-EiPT (I believe the HCl salt).

G: A very close friend of mine and fellow chemistry major. I introduced him to psychedelics the summer after our freshman year and he has tripped maybe 10 times on a few different substances. Taking 25 mg of 2C-B (mixed HCl/HBr salt).

N: A fraternity brother of G. I’ve hung out with him a couple of times and he’s a cool dude. He started doing psychedelics this past semester but has tripped around 5 times on LSD, 2C-I, and 25I. I don’t know about for sure his psychedelic tolerance but it should be nil. Taking 25 mg of the same batch of 2C-B as G.

E: G and I had become quite close friends with E over the past semester as we were all in an intimate chemistry lab together. We are pretty touchy feely and flirty but we were both in relationships for past semester so nothing ever happened. Our mutual friend O has a pretty big thing for her but, despite them making out a few times, she isn’t interested and doesn’t know how to tell him that. She has done mushrooms once with an ex of hers but little other than that. I gave her 105 mg of 6-APB once and she had an awful time, dampening our relationship for a while, but she wanted to trip with us. She had been reading some PiHKAE and TiHKAE and felt more familiarized with drugs at this point. Taking 60 mg of 2C-C*HCl.

Major western university in mid-January. I am currently flying on the plane to study abroad but was visiting my friends at school to kill some time. Weather is a bit cold and overcast but nothing severe. My friend S, who I had been hooking up with earlier in winter break was in town and sleeping at my house as we were heading back home on a train around 6.40 in the next morning. G was also staying at my house as he was going abroad this coming semester and just visiting friends. I’d been feeling a bit weird about hooking up with S because it lacked any intimacy (and I like that) so just figured we weren’t going to tonight. E, G, and I had had a large meal around 12:30 PM.

The Trip:
We all dosed at around 2.40 PM and started making some ginger and coca tea to assuage any stomach problems. Here’s a hint about making coca tea: put the powdered coca in some sort of thing because it’s pretty much impossible to funnel. Long story short we couldn’t drink the tea. I ran around my house where we were hanging out and E and N put on an episode of Trigun on Netflix. We all cozied up and watched it and E was clearly starting to feel a bit weird as she put on my big puffy jacket and was just moving around funny and slightly cuddling with me. After around 30 minutes it seemed as if I had taken something, I was feeling a light tryptamine body buzz, but little else was happening. G, N, and I smoked some bong and then we set out to go to my school's radio station. A bit more than an hour had passed at this point and I felt more altered than just the weed but had little to show for it.

Immediately after getting outside G made a comment not feeling like he had taken enough so we ran back inside to see if we were going to get a booster dose, G decided not to and I passed as well (smart decision). E was still wearing my coat and I was wrapped tightly in hers so when we ran into her roommate J and they separated from us, I made her promise that I would get the coat back. G, N, and I went to the radio station which, as programming hadn’t started for the semester, was going to be empty for the day. We got there and I was still feeling a bit off but not too much. When we arrived at the radio station, around 4.30 PM, I was thinking I had severely underdosed. From my understanding 5-MeO-EiPT had a similar time scale to 5-MeO-MiPT or 5-MeO-DiPT and I should be peaking now. I had very slight visuals (if I stared hard things slightly waved), a very pleasant but slight body tingling, and little mental anything.

At the radio station we met up with my good friend B and banged out some disco and house tunes (Todd Terje anyone), dancing around the station and admiring the graffiti on the walls. We talked about music and some other stuff for a while before E called me and asked if we were still at the station. I told her yes and she told me she would be coming over from a local art museum where she had just “appreciated the fuck out of some art.” Another friend Bo stopped by and the conversation turned to more serious topics as he talked about some of his volunteer work at local schools. My mental headspace was still incredibly clear so I don’t believe he even realized I was intoxicated. After E and J came over we left the station, around 6.00 if I recall correctly, and headed over to an observatory.

At this point I noticed that I was most certainly still coming up. My body started pulsating quite intensely with energy. It was strong enough to be very distracting, and while not unpleasant, more intensity could have easily been. It felt almost like I was getting jolted in random parts of my body with the buzz from nitrous or 5-MeO-MiPT, or perhaps a sharper more local DMT body buzz. The visuals were ramping up as well but lights remained mostly unaltered from the top of the observatory when we got there.

E and I were briefly alone in the observatory and I started playing with her hair which she very much encouraged. I commented that she was a somewhat confusing girl to which she replied “what do you mean?” I told her that she was very flirty and she responded that it was because she wanted to hook up with me. Forward and to the point. We made out briefly before we heard someone coming up. We stopped and she queried “Sex later?” As I said, forward and to the point. Usually while tripping sex is the last thing on my mind but I was very interested in later in the night and not weirded out. The last time I hooked up with someone while tripping I had to stop in the middle to tell them I couldn’t continue. Again I’m chalking that up to the clear mental headspace.

After a brief time appreciating the view of the city we all headed downstairs to L’s apartment to get food. The floor there is quite comfy and the temperature is kept high which I felt would feel great with my still intensely pulsing body. At this point I felt that my thoughts were slightly incoherent solely because of the strong sensations flowing through my body. While my visuals were more intense now they were incredibly muted compared to how my body felt. There was a fair amount of rippling and breathing but no splotching or patterns or alteration of lights. I had slight tracers but they were still relatively weak.

We got to L’s and I lay down on the shag carpet there. I was pretty nonfunctional while standing still, my head was vibrating and pulsing quite pleasantly and the room shook with each pulse. I said I wanted to walk to my house and asked E to come along thinking we could briefly hook up but everyone tagged along, we grabbed some stuff, and went back to L’s. After getting back I made it seem like I was having a rough time (being inside was much more intense then outside) and asked E to go outside again, I told G and N, who at this point were coming down, that it would be fine just us, and they should wait for the food. E and I went to my house and briefly hooked up but I told her (after failing to convey my point 2 or 3 times) that now would be a poor time to have sex as they would know something was up when we came back 30+ minutes later. For the 15 minutes we did hook I still experienced no weird feelings (freaking out about touching lips), and was thoroughly enjoying the increase in tactile sensations. It was also clear that this wouldn’t just be a go at it thing but we would take our time and kiss and talk and kiss some more, which I very much like and rarely experience with people I’m not dating. Eventually we put our clothes back on and headed out.

As we walked back to her house I started to feel like I had actually plateaued, around 7.00 PM. We openly talked about wanting to hook up for a while and how she should have told me yesterday when S wasn’t sleeping over. We made plans for me to come over to her place at 2.00 AM and then went in her apartment. I lay down on the floor again and continued vibrating, stunned by the lack of mental effects for such strong body load.
I lay down on the floor again and continued vibrating, stunned by the lack of mental effects for such strong body load.

S came over, food arrived and was consumed, and then S and I went back to my house so she could drop her stuff off, E stayed at her place to help G with some homework, and G and N returned the bong to their frat house. I was being a quite poor host as I was still tripping pretty hard and, while inside, was having trouble communicating. I had told one of my housemates that I had made out with E and they were giving me shit for it, about how I was being an asshole to O and how I should have known better. G had invited O over despite him not being at my house. O seemed to be having an awful day, he complained that E hadn’t texted him back but I felt surprisingly not crappy about what I had done earlier. He told me he was going home and I talked some more with my housemates and S and commented on the fact that I was feeling very odd still, nearing 9.30 PM. I realized I hadn’t really had anything to drink or eat for a while and forced myself to have some food and water. I started feeling better and vibrating less and around 10.30 sat down and had a beer with S.

The beer continued to calm me down and I started feeling much better. I contemplated smoking more but figured that would not do good things for me. E and G came back over around 11.00 and we all had a couple beers, played the card game Set, and talked. My visuals were calming down fairly nicely and my body was feeling only residual tingles by 12.30. E asked if she could have some more 2C-C so we went downstairs to my basement to see what I had weighed out. I told her that whenever she left I would come over 20 or so minutes later and we grabbed the drugs and went back up. Around 1.20 she left and I hung out with S and G for a little while before telling them I needed to walk around to clear my mind. I still had slight visuals while standing still and certainly could tell I had tripped but could probably drive when I arrived at her place at 2.00. We hooked up for a while, with frequently cuddling breaks, and I was stunned and incredibly pleased at the intimacy (cuddling, taking a snack break) that I was experiencing here that I had not experienced with anyone else I had hooked up with over break (frankly sometimes hooking up with past girlfriends had been less intimate then this was).

At this point the drugs had worn off enough to make this experience not too out of the ordinary. I left around 4.00 knowing that I would most certainly not be able to fall asleep but that E should go to bed. She mentioned how it was a bummer that we had this awesome night and then I was leaving to go to Europe, I agreed and kissed her good bye. I walked home and was unable to sleep due to music playing in my head until it was time for me to get up to catch a train with S (I can rarely sleep after doing drugs). My stomach was feeling awful and I was quite bloated on the train ride home. I slept some on the train and was feeling alright when I got home around 24 hours after dosing. My stomach was still feeling weird but that was likely diet and not the drug.

In brief this drug had a startling long comeup – future experiences will clarify if the recent food was the culprit in this case, an incredibly intense yet pleasurable body load, little to no nausea, gentle visuals with little alteration of lights, and an exceptionally clear mental headspace convoluted only by distracting stimulation of the body. It had almost no inherent positive push but the mental clarity afforded by the drug made it unlikely to become unpleasant. I would certainly do it again but am not sure if I would push the dose higher.

To give some ideas of how this compares to some other substances: 10 mg of 5-MeO-MiPT produces similar bodyload, greater visuals, and much greater mental effects; 75 mg of 2C-C produces similar visuals (and much more with lights), less bodyload, and slightly greater mental affects; 25 mg 4-AcO-DMT*Fumarate produces less bodyload, greater visuals, and greater mental effects.

I frankly can’t think of any psychedelic that produces this little mental effects without being inactive.
Cheers and be safe!

Exp Year: 2014ExpID: 102363
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 21
Published: Feb 2, 2016Views: 3,741
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5-MeO-EIPT (727) : Sex Discussion (14), General (1), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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