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Not Pleasant Nor Unpleasant - Just Annoying
Hydrocodone & Diphenhydramine
Citation:   NoMore. "Not Pleasant Nor Unpleasant - Just Annoying: An Experience with Hydrocodone & Diphenhydramine (exp10259)". Jul 15, 2005.

50 mg oral Diphenhydramine (pill / tablet)
  25 mg oral Hydrocodone (liquid)
Extracted 9 Vicodin 5-500 using the coldwater extraction method. Ingested a little over half of the extract with 2 Benadryl (which is said to greatly enhance the effects of opiates).

Result: many hours of a 'pre/half-sleep' state. Everything in my body was comfortable, I felt completely unmotivated to do anything or think anything. All I wanted to do was lay in my bed. The state was not necessarily pleasant nor unpleasant - just mildly annoying. I thought I could use the state to mediate, but my mind would just wander all over the place, and the feeling was completely un-spiritual. I finally ended up doing some stretching and yoga so that the experience wasn't a complete waste. Even more scary, I could feel that this 'blah' state was addictive. I could feel myself wanting to remain in this state, even though it was completely blah and annoying.

Breathing became distracting - I would drift off into sleep and then suddenly feel like I wasn't breathing, and that would jolt me awake enough to take a big breath of air. The half-awake/asleep state was not pleasant or 'high' - it was just odd.

I did not take the rest of the liquid extraction. I'm actually thinking of dumping it. Something that doesn't feel wonderful, but feels somehow addicting feels very frightening and negative.

I felt cloudy-minded the next morning and slept a LOT. When I woke up I felt exhausted, depressed, and a bit shaky for part of the day. The effects feel completely gone now, and I'm happy about it.

Having a sister who was a heroin addict, I feel like I can relate to that heroin-induced/nothing matters state a little better now. I just can't understand how it could be something wonderful, unless it was an escape from something extremely terrible.

In summary, I felt like opiates could only really be used as an 'escape', and even in that escape, there was no push for change - only to remain in that 'escape' state of mind. Frankly, use of opiates feel very negative and downward-spiraling to me, and I don't plan to use them again.

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 10259
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jul 15, 2005Views: 37,565
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Hydrocodone (111), Diphenhydramine (109) : Combinations (3), First Times (2), Alone (16)

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