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A General Clear-Minded Feel Good Vibe
Citation:   Orangetree. "A General Clear-Minded Feel Good Vibe: An Experience with 4-AcO-DMT (exp102597)". Erowid.org. Feb 9, 2017. erowid.org/exp/102597

30 mg oral 4-AcO-DMT (pill / tablet)
First Experience with 4-AcO-DMT

Taken with water on an empty stomach in the middle of the day. Coming up took 45 minutes or so.

First effect was comparable to having a single cup of coffee... alertness and relatively clear mind. 10 minutes later, slight abdominal cramping and mild nausea. This was a bit uncomfortable but went away about halfway through the trip.

About an hour into it, started coming up fast. My guide helped with some auditory/visual distractions but by this time I was trying not to look at the t.v. and was beginning to sort out the melodies from the cacophonies of the trippy music videos. Felt good and began kneeling on the floor, slightly rocking every few moments. Slight euphoria, a general clear-minded feel good vibe. Oh yes, the elements of the room and the company were vibrant. Told it helps to focus on something, but my mind is always all over the place. I did find some harmony for about 2-3 hours.

The coming down was twice as gradual as it was coming up.
The coming down was twice as gradual as it was coming up.
I felt generally good for several hours after, let us say about 3-4 hours. This was slightly like 'shrooms but much different really. Certain images popped out a bit, as they were relevant to my interested but faded from my attention as quickly as they came. I felt a much fuller appreciation of my environment.

Exp Year: 2014ExpID: 102597
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 27
Published: Feb 9, 2017Views: 2,013
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4-AcO-DMT (387) : General (1), First Times (2), Alone (16)

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