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Interesting High
Leonotis leonurus
Citation:   Marcuz-Zef. "Interesting High: An Experience with Leonotis leonurus (exp102718)". Nov 19, 2020.

6 hits smoked Leonotis leonurus (dried)
This was my first experience with Lion's Tail.

I started by going outside into a small park-like area behind where I live and lighting up my first packed bowl at 8:30pm using a small pipe. I proceded to hit from the pipe 6 times over roughly 15 minutes. Holding in the smoke for 2-5 seconds each time depending how irritated my lungs were at the time. It tasted rather nice, not really comparable to anything I've smoked before. The smoke was not unpleasant to inhale and I didn't cough at any point while smoking.

After my first 3 hits I started looking around and still felt normal and began to think maybe I had been mislead on the effects of smoking Lion's Tail. This is when I noticed a slight head rush similar to that of smoking a small amount of Cannabis along with very light euphoria, though my mind was still clear and I could think and focus almost as if I wasn't under the influence of anything.

During my 5th and 6th hits I decided to look up at the tree in front of me, this is when I really started to feel the effects, though they were still mild I was certain that I could feel something now.

I walked back to my living area to relax and Skype with friends, while walking home I remember looking at the foot path in front of me and simply smiling, I was feeling uplifted and happier, though it most certainly wasn't overwhelming.

Once I made it to my room I hopped on my computer to Skype with friends and share the experience with them. As I was talking with them I remember scratching my left hand and eventually I looked down to find both of my hands covered in 'itchy bites'. This is when we discovered that it may not be the best for everyone to touch this stuff.

I ended up washing my hands and the rash started to go down and was hardly noticeable by 10pm. At this time I also noticed the effects were wearing off, though still slightly there.

By 10:30pm the effects had completely stopped and I felt normal again.

To conclude, smoking Lion's Tail gave me similar effects to that of smoking a small bowl of Cannabis in terms of euphoria and the general high though my thoughts and mind still seemed clear.

Exp Year: 2014ExpID: 102718
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 18
Published: Nov 19, 2020Views: 903
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Leonotis leonurus (119) : First Times (2), Alone (16)

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