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Citation:   CuriousCat. "Daytrippin: An Experience with AMT (exp102810)". May 21, 2016.

T+ 0:00
35 mg oral AMT (pill / tablet)
  T+ 11:00 12 mg oral Etizolam  
At 7am I dropped my 35mg pellet of AMT, kissed my husband goodbye as he set off for work and settled myself in for a foray into the unknown world of tryptamines.

When I was a lot younger (16-21) I was heavily into experimentation and ended up trying everything from speed to heroin. Ended up with a coke habit which I finally managed to free myself from but never had I found the one drug I was looking for...LSD.

Since those days, having grown up, settled down, got married, drugs have seemed a thing of my past. Until I hit the wrong side of my it's all about reclaiming my youth but unfortunately having to do it secretly and alone as all party friends are now clean, sober with kids.

Anyway, back to the now. I have recently started experimenting with RCs. Legal, cheap and delivered to my door...fantastic! No more 4am in the morning phone calls to my moody dealer. Nice. I went onto a particular site and bought a 35mg pellet of AMT and 15 2mg pellets of Etizolam for any comedown. After popping my pill, I took a pre-trip bath to relax me and get me in the right mind set. I had fasted the previous day so was already getting trails, melting effects and my eyes looked huge...dark...cavernous. Not scary but beautiful.

I was suddenly overcome with the beauty of my surroundings and the overpowering feeling of love I felt for everyone.
I was suddenly overcome with the beauty of my surroundings and the overpowering feeling of love I felt for everyone.
I put on some Pink Floyd and drifted away for a while. CEV were stunning geometric patterns. I didn't have any real hallucinations but I had the time delay effect when looking in the mirror and walls, floors, ceilings all melted into one.

11 hours later and I feel just about on a comedown. A very gentle one, not chemically. I have taken 12mg of etizolam just to be on the safe side as don't want hubby to know I'm a secret psychonaut in my spare time ;) in the future I would double drop as I was hoping for some actual hallucinations...but we will have to wait until I have a whole weekend to myself for that experiment.

Exp Year: 2012ExpID: 102810
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: 27
Published: May 21, 2016Views: 1,633
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AMT (7) : General (1), Alone (16)

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