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My 18 Hour Trip
Citation:   Superman. "My 18 Hour Trip: An Experience with AMT (exp102838)". Mar 20, 2018.

T+ 0:00
40 mg   AMT  
  T+ 0:15 1 glass oral Alcohol - Beer/Wine (liquid)
  T+ 3:00 25 mg   AMT  
  T+ 4:00 30 mg   AMT  
I had purchased 250mg online for around £12, as AMT is still legal in the UK. I had been excited about trying this chemical and told one of my friends about it. We are both pretty experienced users of drugs; however I had stopped taking most drugs around 2 months ago. I got to his house and we got ready to go to the pub.

9:00pm (+0) We took our first dose of approximately 40mg each, we then went into the pub and ordered our first round of drinks.

9:15pm(+15) After one beer, my friend reported that he felt nauseous, he then went to the toilet and threw up, he said he was sick around 3 times.

9:30pm(+30) We then both felt very uncomfortable in the pub and decided to ditch our drinks and to leave the pub and go for a walk around the town.

10:00pm(+60) The nausea started to die down, however my stomach was still feeling a bit funny, my friend had not been sick any more so it was starting to look good! From then on we just wandered off into the country side as the loud town was too much to handle.

11:00pm(+120) We were both starting to come up pretty hard, all the old buildings and churches in the countryside looked amazing! They were towering above up us and I couldn’t wrap my head around how people had managed to build such beautiful buildings back the 19th century.

11:30pm+(150) After some more wandering we were really starting to feel the effects, I remember looking up at the sky and the stars and moon were incredibly bright and they were darting around the place. We then decided to walk back to his house as it was starting to get cold.

12:00am+(180) Before entering his house we laid on a field for around 10 minutes and decided to take another small dose, this was approximately 20-30mg each. We entered his house and went up into his bedroom, we climbed into bed and began to take in the fact that we were in for one hell of a ride.

2:00am+(240) This is when things started to get really weird, we were both thoroughly enjoying the trip. I can’t remember the whole experience, however my most vivid hallucination was that the ceiling turned into dots and they were dancing around the ceiling, before turning into germ like things and breeding. When looking around the room, all of the furniture was moving, doors would open slightly and red and green pixels would start shooting through the air.

4:00am(+360) We stupidly then took another 30mg. we laid there and waited for the trip to intensify.

4:30am(+390) The last dose had kicked in much faster than the other two did, I can’t even begin to describe what I saw. Smoke started to fill the room coming out of the drawers and faces made out of smoke, including goblins on motorbikes and pieces of machinery would float past my face. I was still enjoying what I was seeing, however it looked like mystical energy was coming out of the bin and the dots on the ceiling were going absolutely crazy.

8am(+660) The past 3 and a half hours had been absolutely crazy, I cant remember a lot of it, but the visuals were out of this world, the room looked completely different and every time I looked at something it would shift into something else. I had given the smoke visuals the name of ‘cloud people. My friend had gone into another dimension and thought he was at work, and there was an old lady in the bathroom called Margaret. This is when we started to get worried and thought we may be going insane.

12:00pm(+900) We had decided there was no chance of getting some sleep. We walked to the shops and bought an energy drink and a light snack which didn’t seem to change much. People were looking at us so we must have looked a complete mess! I was still getting some visuals but nothing like the ones we were getting earlier. We decided to go for a short walk and sat by a shed for around an hour wondering when it would stop.

3:00pm(+1080) I had to leave soon and I was still feeling funny, not quite as trippy but due to the lack of sleep and the awful comedown I wasn’t feeling very good! I had a cup of tea and prepared myself for the day ahead.

[Erowid Note: Driving while intoxicated, tripping, or extremely sleep deprived is dangerous and irresponsible because it endangers other people. Don't do it!]
4:00pm(+1140) I left to pick up my girlfriend . I was not in a good shape to drive but I had no other way to leave and I promised her I would pick her up from work. (this was stupid I know but the drug had almost gone and I was mainly feeling terrible from the lack of sleep.

That was about the sum of what happened. It was an amazing experience and I felt we bonded a bit over that experience. It’s not a drug I’m going to be doing for a while as I felt horrible even after a good night’s sleep. To be honest I would rather take this next at my house early in the morning when no one else is in but one of my most trustworthy friends.

It seemed to have some very strong stimulant effects towards the end we were both annoyed that we couldn’t get to sleep.

Exp Year: 2014ExpID: 102838
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 19
Published: Mar 20, 2018Views: 1,308
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AMT (7) : General (1), Various (28)

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