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Keep Passing Out Every Time I Exhale
Citation:   always high guy. "Keep Passing Out Every Time I Exhale: An Experience with Kava (exp102912)". Sep 12, 2018.

12 tsp oral Kava (ground / crushed)
Kava Over Dose

I'm going to tell you about my over intoxication of Kava I recommend no one take the amount I did. I took 12 heaping table spoons of Kava and drank it in 30 min period. This report will explain the rest.

0:00 mixed 12 tsp of Kava in blender for 5 minutes then strained with t shirt(the strain of Kava used was wow Kava supposedly the srongest)

0:30 its all down the hatch feeling slight stomach pains

1:00 its been exactly one hour an I'm feeling the usual relaxation effects

1:30 well I'm screwed I'm so intoxicated that I cant walk, talk, or read the spins are way worse then alcohol

2:00 I start freaking out because I keep passing out every time I exhale. I have very shallow breathing, this is not enjoyable like nodding...
I have very shallow breathing, this is not enjoyable like nodding...

2:30 I stopped passing out but I feel really drunk and still cant walk or talk

3:00 Bam 1 second I'm drunk next second I'm at base line extremely fast come down. I'm never taking that big of a dose if its possible to overdose on Kava I think I just did the shallow breathing and passing out has not happened in any experience reports I've read before.

I've gotta say that was a strong buzz with a possible overdose I'm going to sleep. I'm still freaked out about that experience peace.

[Reported Dose: "12 heaping tsps"]

Exp Year: 2014ExpID: 102912
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 18
Published: Sep 12, 2018Views: 2,256
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Kava (30) : Overdose (29), Difficult Experiences (5), Unknown Context (20)

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