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A Low-Dose Smart Drug
Citation:   The_Toddd. "A Low-Dose Smart Drug: An Experience with Methoxetamine (exp102949)". Oct 29, 2015.

20 mg oral Methoxetamine (daily)
For yoga:
20mg oral, licked or added to a carbonated energy drink.

Low dose effects are mild, but stimulating. Have noticed a slight increase in pulse and body temperature, along with focus and self-awareness. Higher body temp is conducive to stretching and the 'intensity upper' seems helpful toward the cardio aspect. Mental drive and interest level increased, with a deeper intuitive understanding of the yoga movements I was making and the effects they were having on my body. While I'd normally start to tire or get bored about halfway through, with a micro-dose of MXE I usually power all the way through it and feel better throughout the day.

Comedown is barely noticeable a couple hours after I finish yoga. At that level, once I finish coming up and peaking, it almost seems to fade into the background of my awareness. It amplifies my brain but doesn't have much 'flavor' of its own. No visuals or body high, no residual affects or hangover later. If you're not prone to 'chasing the high' and redosing, this is a great chemical. Better results if treated like a medication instead of a new recreational or party drug.

Note: Insufflation hits a little harder and a little faster, but the total duration is cut significantly and the experience is not as smooth.

Exp Year: 2013ExpID: 102949
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 30
Published: Oct 29, 2015Views: 2,965
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Methoxetamine (527), Yoga / Bodywork (202) : General (1), Performance Enhancement (50), Retrospective / Summary (11), Not Applicable (38)

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