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A Calm Beautiful Experience
Citation:   Garibaldi. "A Calm Beautiful Experience: An Experience with bk-MDEA (exp103098)". May 5, 2015.

180 mg oral bk-MDEA
I wanted to write something about this chemical, since it is now somewhat more available. This trip report is just an example of the nice experiences I have had with it, but a good example.

0:00) 8PM on a weekend night- getting together with friends, either to chill or go out dancing. Some people are taking other things, myself and one friend take 180mg of bk-MDEA to see where it will take us. Our stomachs are pretty empty- we skipped dinner and plan to snack after we take our drugs.

0:20) First alerts- love that feeling of 'something interesting happening.' Less overt than MDMA- not any sort of active stimulation or alteration of perception, but just a softening of emotions and opening up of wanting to talk and be together.

0:35) Other friends are doing their drugs and drinking, but the two of us are just in a beautiful place. Rolling waves of social energy and affection. Body is a little bit uncomfortable- would probably not be feeling this if we were dancing, but not sure about going anywhere at this point. An evening with friends seems like just the ticket.

1:00) Experience is in full effect- gently stimulating. Sort of like a quieter and less pushy MDMA.

1:15) The drugs other friends are taking seem...incorrect. Cocaine just amps people up rather than opening them. Alcohol feels like poison in my body, even though the cold carbonation is nice.

1:25) We have some music going on in the house, but neither of us are excited to dance. This a subtle but very nice feeling.

1:45) Okay, the group is ready to leave, so I guess we'll go along. Body load is almost nonexistent, but we are more in the mood for conversation and affection rather than a club.

2:30) No, this is good. This is great. My dancing is definitely worse than usual, but catching the eye of other people in the club is a wonderful tease. I feel so happy to be here, with my friends and a great DJ. I have energy- it almost feels like tryptamine energy inside my muscles -where it's there feeling a bit weird for me to access, but not pushy at all. I'm glad I brought gum.

4:00) Definitely starting to come down- feel a bit tired and less like being in this club. I like talking to people outside much better, though I'm mostly wanting to go home at this point. I turn down cigarettes and weed from people, doesn't seem appealing at all.

4:20) Three of us catch a cab home- my body is still getting little rushes, and my brain feels tired, but nowhere near as 'down' as after an MDMA experience.

5:00) After a nightcap, sleep is easy.

The next day gives a 'quiet brain' with a minimum of emotionality like after MDMA, but much less so- I can tell that I'm looking for it, and can still barely find it!

Exp Year: 2014ExpID: 103098
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 27
Published: May 5, 2015Views: 5,977
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bk-MDEA (346) : General (1), Club / Bar (25)

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