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Cosmic Alien Bardo Interface
Citation:   dankdude92. "Cosmic Alien Bardo Interface: An Experience with LSD & DMT (exp103100)". Jun 11, 2018.

T+ 0:00
3.5 hits oral LSD (blotter / tab)
  T+ 8:00 3 hits smoked DMT  
LSDMT- Cosmic Alien Bardo interface

The following is an account of the most intense, bizarre and certainly the most intriguing psychedelic experience I’ve ever had. I was on a heavy dose of LSD. The dose based on the strength of my tabs was 525 ug (3.5 hits of 150 ug). I know most confirmed reports of LSD dosage are a matter of conjecture however the LSD was procured from a source that is reliable. The experience was very intense and on the come up I saw splashes of color all around me while walking into the bathroom. There were pink outlines to my hair and splashes of green around the walls. My dog looked like a pink and green psy-doggy. If contact highs are real let me tell you that little dog has been on some journeys.

So I’m on this journey through the cosmos and perceiving the fractal nature of everything. It gets very intense and I just dissolve. At this kind of dose music isn’t enhanced like it is at lower doses; it’s distorted with overtones and screeches. Even strumming a guitar is ugly sounding with all the extra reverberations. I came to many realizations during this experience and it was a little scary until I realized that we’re all one and then I let go completely and rode a wave of fractal thought.

The main moment that I want to talk about happened on the tail end of my LSD experience. It was about 8 hours into the experience. Due to the dose I was still tripping quite hard although coming down. I decided to smoke some DMT. I had tried to smoke some a few weeks earlier although unsuccessfully. As a result I loaded a rather large amount of DMT in the pipe to account for user error as well as the inadequacy of my vaporization tool (marijuana pipe and layer of ash). I estimate I loaded about 60mg- 65mg although inhaled a much smaller amount that I can only speculate.

After my third hit I violently exploded out of my body. It was so violent and physical a sensation that I felt like all my internal organs had for sure exploded out of my mouth.
It was so violent and physical a sensation that I felt like all my internal organs had for sure exploded out of my mouth.
I was able to verify this wasn’t the case and fell back into some sort of trance state. I was in this place. It was some sort of Bardo, a place between life and death. It was some sort of universal alien interface and I was shown all sorts of alien languages on this alien technology. It seemed to be a place where all the souls that were dying or birthing were traveling through. Technology seemed to play some sort of a part and seemed to mediate this process. I saw screens with alien languages and symbols on them. This was a place where time did not exist at all. I remember looking over at my laptop at a point and seeing something that wasn’t my laptop. It was an alien machine.

I do not know at what times my eyes were open or closed or if they were closed the entire time. It felt like a very long time and it also felt like 30 seconds. There was a pool of saliva in my mouth when I returned to this reality. I imagine that it was only 2 to 3 minutes. I was scared in that alien place. I did not freak out but wondered if I would return to my world. I think that’s when I looked at my laptop and saw something that was alien. Luckily I returned very quickly to baseline.

Once I returned I snapped out of the trance state and started screaming “oh my god” at the top of my voice at 4 am. What I saw was essentially some sort of alien contact experience. For someone like me this is huge. I love the idea of sentience in the universe and I saw that today. Also my experience was so different from Terence McKenna’s accounts of the DMT space as well as many other accounts. I did not see too much geometry or overwhelming visuals in the form of rotating shapes and entities. It seemed different. I don’t know if this is just something that I was tuned into or if my dose was small. Or perhaps the large dose of LSD colored the DMT experience. If that was a small dose of DMT, I shudder to think what a large dose must be like.

DMT also seems to have reverberated through time and in the few days it’s been since that experience I’ve had countless synchronicities in my day to day life. Whatever it is new doors were opened and my world view has been altered. I’ve realized that there’s so much more to know out there and that ultimately I don’t know much at all. I just can’t believe it. It’s everything I wanted yet something I don’t recognize at all.

Exp Year: 2014ExpID: 103100
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 22
Published: Jun 11, 2018Views: 1,038
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LSD (2), DMT (18) : Entities / Beings (37), Combinations (3), Unknown Context (20)

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