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After About a Year-Long Break
Citation:   Deadkush. "After About a Year-Long Break: An Experience with Hydrocodone (exp103179)". Sep 24, 2018.

20 mg oral Hydrocodone (ground / crushed)
Let me start by saying I have some prior experience with hydrocodone, I've taken up to 30 mg at a time before, each time was not as good as the last (likely due to an increasing tolerance) so this time is an experiment to see if after about a year long break I can feel as good as one of the first times I did this stuff.

0:00 - Crushed up four pills and took them with a glass of water. Going to play some videogames while I wait for the effects to start.

0:07 - Starting to feel anxious and a light tingling in my legs and feet. Could be a placebo effect.

0:25 - Definitely feeling something coming on, feeling kind of warm in my brain.

0:31 - Feeling nice and warm all over particularly in my head, and just a tad queasy. Going to try walking downstairs to get a snack.

1:00 - Started to feel pretty overwhelmed. Standing did not help, best thing right now is sitting/lying down. When I'm doing that though, I feel pretty awesome. Right now looking at the computer is already making me start to feel a little too much again.

I'll conclude by saying its best to take a few at a time to see how it will affect me.

Exp Year: 2014ExpID: 103179
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Sep 24, 2018Views: 1,033
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Hydrocodone (111) : General (1), Alone (16)

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