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Am I Talking A Bit Loud?
Citation:   Quinn. "Am I Talking A Bit Loud?: An Experience with Cannabis (exp1032)". Erowid.org. Jan 7, 2001. erowid.org/exp/1032

2 bowls smoked Cannabis (plant material)
I am going to describe to you the effects of the first time I ever became extremely high. Hopefully, this will help you decide whether or not to try marijuana. I, as you will find out, suggest you do.

It wasn’t the first time I had smoked marijuana. I have, other times, smoked from both pipes and doobies. However, the effect hadn’t been worth the time spent smoking it. I think, however, that this was because I did not know how to partake of the herb. In other words, I was inhaling wrong. One must breathe it in, not suck. Inhale from your lungs, not your mouth. Suck it down until it starts to itch. You may want to cough. Don’t. Stop the hoot, and pass the pipe off, without exhaling. Suck in some air quickly, so that your throat doesn’t itch as much. Hold the smoke in your lungs, not your cheeks, for about ten seconds, maybe longer, and then exhale slowly. Breathe a bit.

I can’t tell you how much to smoke. I am lean, 5’11”, 165lbs, I repeat, thin. Doesn’t sound thin, but I am bone and muscle. No fat. I think because of this, I need more to be very high, because there is less tissue for the THC to hang out in.

This time, I had about a thimble full of marijuana, chopped up. It’s hard to describe how much I had, as the common measurements (an eighth, a half-bag) change depending on where you are on the planet. I had enough to make a small pile in your palm, about one inch high, one inch wide. I got two bowls out of it, but that was a small pipe. I was very calm, looking forward to the high. This time, I decided, I would find out what it was really like. It is important to be calm. Don’t do it if you are afraid of being caught. I suggest doing it in a remote area, such as a campground, or your own home.

Anyways, it was the middle of winter, freezing cold (this is Canada). My friend and I decided to smoke and go tobogganing. We arrived at the hill, and were there alone. We went to the bottom of the hill and I smoked all I had. I should mention that the hill was large, and was actually a hiking path leading down the hill through a forest. Above us was the steep path, and around that was forest. At the bottom of the hill there was a lake (frozen) and there was at least one or two feet of snow on the ground. As I finished off the last of the weed, I suddenly felt like something was trying to push me over. Not hard, just like a wall of air pushing me softly. This happened on and off, about three times, for about two minutes (I think). I finished the weed and stood with my friend, talking about who would go for the next ride. He had not smoked anything. Suddenly, I found myself beginning to talk a lot, about nothing. I was also talking quite loudly, almost shouting. I remember that I was suddenly not cold, but in fact quite warm.

At this point, mostly everything goes blank. I remember a number of things, though, that happened throughout the next thirty or so minutes. I talked a lot. I laid down in the snow and slammed my head against the ice of a lake (we had been on the bank, and I walked a few feet onto the ice). There was a lot of snow on it, but I managed to bang through it. I think I was trying to make snow angels, but I’m not sure. Whatever the case, I didn’t feel any pain. In fact, it was quite fun. Meanwhile, my friend was riding the toboggan down the hill. I was shouting at him the whole time, saying really nothing. I think I had my eyes closed, because I was very warm and I felt like I was sleeping. At one point, he walked towards me and I jumped up. His jacket had been rustling and I thought he was my puppy, who tends to rustle as he runs towards you to lick you. Whatever the case, I explained this to my friend in a very loud voice, so that he would understand.

One important thing to note here is that unless I concentrated, I could not simply say something to my friend. As soon as I stopped concentrating, everything went blank again, and I fell around some more.

Another thing is the fact that I laughed. I have never laughed so hard in my life. My friend, laughing at me, laughed a lot too. I fell all over the place, laughing in a million different ways, very different than my normal way. A few times, I laughed for long periods of time, harder and harder. I think the longest period was almost four minutes. I could hardly breathe by that time. The laughter is something you must savor. It is amazing. You have no reason to laugh, yet you do, hysterically, like a jackal. I must emphasize that it is very different than normal laughter. It is phenomenal. You should have someone video tape you, because you will want to see it again. You will laugh for the stupidest reasons, probably falling down a lot. Therefore, I suggest you stand up, because you want to stay excited. By falling down, you give yourself more to laugh at.

At that point, I laid back down (or should I say, fell over). I then began to talk in every accent I can do, British, Yankee, whatever I could think of. I remember thinking I had been speaking every language on earth, and I decided to talk to my friend in Chinese. To me at the time, Chinese was a simple “aye-aye-aye-aye.” I did this for a long time, slamming my head into the ice at the same time.

Then my friend offered to let me go down the hill. This, of course, involved me walking up the hill, so I began the long march. I remember feeling like my voice was a springboard. This is very hard to describe. My voice felt very high-pitched, so I was trying to force it down to its normal pitch. I now know that I thought I was moving through at least fourteen octaves (if you sing you understand that only the best singers can do even eight). My voice was very high, and as I forced it down, I thought it was becoming more like my normal voice (which is quite low). But as soon as I stopped trying to hold it down, it shot back up. I think I was in fact making myself quieter, not lower.

Whatever the case, the feeling was euphoric at this point, not really calm. It took me at least three minutes to get up the hill, which normally would have taken only one or so. I slipped a lot, since I was wearing Vans on a slope that most people would hesitate to even walk down, let alone ride a toboggan down. When I got to the top, I then went down, very slowly. I dragged my feet the whole way, without wanting to, and everything was very blank. I could hardly see, and felt very mellow by this point. I think I was beginning to force myself out of my state of mind. When I got to the bottom, we decided to go. I do not remember walking back up the hill, but I remember climbing a fence, and walking across a field, and thinking I was going to die of hypothermia, and thinking my friend was going to pass out.

When we got to his house, I was still quite blank, and feeling quite calm and empty. I ate two massive plates of stir-fry. Then we watched TV for a while, and then I went home, no longer high.

The high is not an ecstasy high. It does not help you discover yourself, nor does it help you solve problems. Weed is not something to be used for depression, as after you are done, the effects are gone, completely, other than the memories. You will not feel like a god, or a better person. You will simply have laughed a lot.

I do not suggest driving, swimming, cycling, or doing anything that could be dangerous, while you are high. I find I lose a lot of control over my muscles, and can hardly move. The main effect is the laughter, and the blank feeling. You feel like you are not in your body, you feel like you are sleeping, dreaming. It is an amazing feeling. The whole high, for me, lasted for about one to one and a half hours. I can’t remember exactly. I think that if I had smoked much more, I would have been completely incapacitated. As it was, I could hardly move. I think it is impossible to overdose on marijuana, but you can certainly make yourself throw up a lot, I know. I don’t suggest smoking to the point that you can’t think at all. I have seen people who, when high, can’t walk, and crawl instead. A friend of mine crawled about three miles. It took him a number of hours. He doesn’t remember any of it.

All in all, I suggest bringing a friend with you, who will not be high when you are. Smoke enough to get you to the point that you feel comfortable. Don’t do enough to go fucking potty. I recommend marijuana to all of you, before anything else. Before you can walk, you must crawl. Before you try E, acid, K, or anything else, try weed. It’s fun, quite safe, and cheap. I rate it A+.

Exp Year: 2000ExpID: 1032
Gender: Not Specified 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jan 7, 2001Views: 4,856
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