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Bk to Gratuitous Grace
BK-2C-B, Cannabis & Etizolam
Citation:   C11H15. "Bk to Gratuitous Grace: An Experience with BK-2C-B, Cannabis & Etizolam (exp103434)". May 20, 2014.

115 mg oral bk-2C-B (powder / crystals)
    repeated smoked Cannabis (plant material)
    oral Etizolam (pill / tablet)
Initial allergy test showed no reaction to sub-active dose.
Setting; chilled, just played some Frisbee, ate dinner 3hours ago. At a mate’s, down the road so no worries. Free yard, so music, fifa, and a sober sitter! My friend bought some irrespective of this sample and also consumed 115mg (via gelcap).
Weighed out 115mg. Both of us have experience with psychedelics; both classic (mescaline, LSD, liberty caps) and modern (4-aco-dmt, AMT, 2c-i).

T+1; 'not feelin nothin...'

T+2; Come up, euphoric shivers and body temp flux, nice.

T+2:40; Much like MDMA, so euphoric, music is amazing, so fluid; it passes through me. My eyes feel funny, pupils are plates, very visual; but no shape or image, everything looks strange, especially in the foreground. Spurs creativity; I want to draw, as well as write. Thoughts are fractured; similar to my writing at the moment. Tastes are intense and tasks that are tedious I simply have no time for; I couldn't find the [speaker's] charger for ages. Body load is real strong, buzz, euphoric waves too, everywhere; Cold shivers and hot sweat; Temp fluctuations are drastic, hat and coat one minute a t-shirt, while inside [the next].

T+3:08; Very similar to MDMA. Very happy, chilled, well funny evening. Buzzing, as incoherent as...

T+4; Strong euphoria, but too psychedelic to do this in a club. Music is amazing. Strong psychedelia, but I a way I've never seen. Cannabis calms as it creeps over, flooding my brain. Very similar to mescaline, very fluid crystalline structures. My mind is near incoherence. So I’ll stop writing as of now. I'll melt into the music, melt in to the ocean and melt into the sea...

At this point I stopped writing as it became too complex [to communicate], my verbal language deteriorated early on and written language eventually followed.

The entire trip lasted over 10 hours; but at this point sleep was needed (coming up to 8AM), so 2mg etizolam was ingested orally to promote sleep and to reduce the over-stimulation. The etizolam was successful exhibiting normal calming physical and psychological effects. Sleep was achieved almost instantly for my friend, where as I tried to sleep and could an hour later to took 1mg extra of etizolam and a joint.

My friend, who ingested the same amount, felt nothing for 4 hours then redosed with 70mg. He came up a few hours later and was rushing but felt and saw no psychedelia and had minimal cognitive effects.

Wow is all I can say, very powerful, and the majority of the trip was ineffable. My experience was very intense and at some points I would like to have calmed down a bit but couldn't. No anxiety, no depression, very enjoyable experience; However, in retrospect, there were a few moments where I became so far out that a few paranoid thoughts were prominent but nothing came of this as I could recognise this from previous trips and after I aired what I was thinking they disappeared (probably due to setting and company). As for visuals the fractals and colour, shapes and images were pronounced and at one point unknown glyphs were repeated and superimposed upon the walls and floors. There was no distortion of time or spiritualism felt.

No real comedown was felt, 6 hour duration of that typical 'tired brain' feeling similar to the after effects of LSD and mescaline for this user; just feeling very tired and totally physically and emotionally drained.

This substance seems very tactile and auditory, the body load is intense and open eye visuals were prominent (whereas my friend saw no OEVs and only CEVs despite psychological and tactile psychedelia).

N.B. I have to add that at one period, for around 1hour, I hallucinated that I needed to pee despite have an 'empty tank' and was actually followed by slight pain. This grew very uncomfortable and annoying but nevertheless subsided. Heart rates remained elevated for duration and cause slight paranoia for my friend, despite having medication on hand to slow the heart rate pharmacologically.

Exp Year: 2014ExpID: 103434
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 21
Published: May 20, 2014Views: 18,732
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