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An Awakened Dream
Morning Glory
Citation:   Nicole. "An Awakened Dream: An Experience with Morning Glory (exp103487)". Jul 10, 2019.

100 seeds oral Morning Glory
I have never done lsd or morning glory seeds in the past. I have done dxm several times but other than that I have no real entheogen experience. I decided to eat the morning glory seeds in an attempt to alter my consciousness. I have decided to start my dose low as this is my first attempt.

I have eaten about 100 seeds within the past 3 hours. I did not use any extraction method other than my teeth. Taste not bad. Chewing thoroughly. No expectations. Just going with the flow. I am listening to Terrance mckenna on youtube. I did not feel any effects for about an hour, and then I noticed I felt slowed down. Went in bathroom to look at face, cheeks look a little flushed, pupils dilated. I sit on my floor and feel sedated but not overwhelmingly so. I have a puppy on my bed and all of a sudden I feel like petting her head and just like I can read her mind and she can read mine too. I feel this on dxm also...

I have started to draw, which I do not ever do... Small intricate detailed shapes becoming parallel universes. I feel my body relaxing and unfolding like the patters in nature, I myself am a mere imprint of computer code, myself a symphony, I am seeing things for what they really are. 30 mins have passed, time feels like it does not exist, which is true. I feel very relaxed, keep taking shirt off then get cold put something else on. I will meditate.

These are great, I felt very calm.

Exp Year: 2012ExpID: 103487
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: 25
Published: Jul 10, 2019Views: 733
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Morning Glory (38) : First Times (2), Alone (16)

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